
Interview with MMA Fighter Mike Maderitz

This week at Why So Blu highlights the second of our three MMA fighter interviews. We are happy to introduce Ohio native Mike Maderitz. Maderitz competes in the lightweight class and, like Brandon Vasquez (see last week’s story), is drawing his focus toward the fast approaching date of June 26th when he will match skills with opponent Stephen Harness. With Harness’s 3-1 record, Maderitz is taking his foe seriously. But there is more to prep and training than slugging it out with the dead weight of a TKO heavy bag. The 150-pound Maderitz told Why So Blu what comprises his training and fighting background as well as the fighting styles of other MMA athletes on the horizon.


Photography courtesy of Scott T. Morrison / Discovery Photo


Gregg Senko interviews MMA Fighter Mike Maderitz…




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