Win Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two on DVD!
Let’s be honest here. Who with a smartphone, tablet, gaming console and even a computer has never enjoyed, partakes in or even still enjoys the many incarnations of the smash hit mobile game Angry Birds? I think if I asked this question in front of a live studio audience, I would be hard pressed to see anyone not raise their hands unless Christopher Nolan was there or something. But I digress. The Angry Birds are coming back to your living room with Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two! And thanks to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment we have some exciting prizes to give away to 6 lucky readers here at Why So Blu! Sound good to you? Read on below to learn more about Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two and how you can win the ultimate grand prize we have to give away!
Along with twenty-six episodes (which only last a total of seventy minutes), Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two will also include include Character Pods on Bomb Bird, Chef Pig, and Terrence, a special Easter episode called “Easter Egg Hunt,” and four making-of featurettes that were described as being about:
Behind-the-Scenes Character Design Go behind the scenes to see how Rovios artists design and animate the characters
- Behind-the-Scenes Producing, Directing and Coordinating Learn about the work Rovios production staff does to create the Angry Birds Toons
- Behind-the-Scenes Compositing, Tools and Color Grading Discover more about the kind of work that goes into the composting and color grading the animation.
- Sound Design & Voice Acting and Music Behind-the-Scenes Learn how the sound is designed and about the voices behind the characters. Also see how the music is created for the Angry Birds Toons series.
So here’s the deal…1 lucky grand prize winner will win 1 DVD copy of Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume One, 1 DVD copy of Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two, 1 lunchbox, 1 plushie and 1 backpack! And just in case you’re not that lucky winner, how does a copy of Angry Birds Toons: Season One, Volume Two on DVD sound to you? We have 5 of these to give away as runner-up prizes. Thanks Sony!
For your chance to win…
Log into your favorite email client and send us an email to webmaster at whysoblu dot com (piece that together) with…your name, full U.S. mailing address (NO PO BOXES) and the name of the contest (Angry Birds) and hit Submit or Enter or Send and BAM… you’re automatically entered. As a caveat…please also tell all your friends to follow us on Facebook and Twitter too. Could it be any simpler? One lucky grand prize and five runner-up contestants will be randomly picked by our java computer program on Tuesday, April 22nd and will be notified via email. Again…continental US entries only. Only one entry per person. Good luck!
*** Any entires that don’t follow the rules set forth within this paragraph will be instantly dismissed ***

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