Fantastic Four or Fant4stic’s Teaser Trailer Is Out!
In the age we live in, it is unfortunate that getting a mainstream superhero movie’s trailer less than a year (or at least 9 months) in advance is some sign of trouble. For various reasons, despite the success of director Josh Trank’s Chronicle and the presence of proven acting talents in the form of Miles Teller (Whiplash, The Spectacular Now), Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot, The Adventures of Tin Tin), Michael B. Jordon (Fruitvale Station, Chronicle), and Kate Mara (House of Cards), a good portion of people have been screaming about this new Fantastic Four’s existence from the start. It is as if going for something different is suddenly the worst idea possible and everyone suddenly loved the previous F4 films starring Jessica Alba as a scientist and Mr. Fantastic played by Horatio Hornblower (and I would be impressed to see a majority of geeks who knew how to spell, let alone pronounce, Ioan Grufford’s name offhand). I don’t even want to get into the silliness involving the ‘controversy’ of casting a black actor in the part of Johnny Storm. All that is to say that Fox has now released the first trailer for the upcoming reboot of Fantastic Four and it looks solid enough, as far as vague teaser trailer go. We will find out more soon enough, as the film approaches its August release date. Continue on to view the trailer, images, and the new poster for the film.

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