
Cable and X-Force: Issue #1

In the aftermath of the Avengers vs. X-Men battle royale that nearly leveled the planet, characters are either regrouping or recovering. As part of Marvel’s new “Join the Revolution” campaign they’ve created, we’re seeing a lot of new titles popping up, one of which is Cable and X-Force. With issue 1 coming out this past week, the cover caught my eye and it became an immediate purchase.

And with that in mind, I had committed the almight literature sin.  Okay I didn’t plagiarize anything, so maybe I committed the second biggest literature sin.  I judged a book by its cover.  But before we get into the content, let’s do a quick recap of what’s going on.  We all know Cable, right?  He’s the big cyborg guy from the future that’s actually Cyclop’s son.  Ironically enough, Cable’s daughter is from the present and that super-powered darling is none other than Hope, who bascially just saved the world in the wake of yet another Dark Phoenix attack.

Now that you know who’s who, lets talk about the content.  The book shows promise in its opening pages.  Colossus makes a grand entrance with Cable joining the fray.  Along for the ride are also Forge, Dr. Nemesis and super assassin Domino.  There’s a short standoff with them on one side and Havoc and Captain America on the other.  It’s not as exciting as it sounds.  Meanwhile, Hope is trying to get back to a normal life but her powers keep on getting in the way…not to mention the fact that she decides to track down her dad.  While Hope begins her search, Cable suffers from some serious cyborg migraines that no one can seem to pin down.  Unfortunately, everyone is still waiting for cyborg Excedrin to come back on the market so Cable can sort himself out.

The book’s writing, courtesy of Dennis Hopeless, really feels scattered.  It’s a problem not limited to just this title though as it’s become commonplace amongst Marvel’s reads.  They’ve flooded the market with so many different series, most of which are unimpressive and underwhelming, achieving an unfortunate mentality of quantity over quality.  Cable and X-Force falls into that same chasm.  The artwork of Salvador Larocca, while certainly proficient, could be a little more gritty.  Everything just comes across too bright and too smooth to truly fit the bill.  This book is so very mediocre and continues the tradition of delivering a Cable character that is mishandled.  This guy is ripped, comes from the future, and brought some of that technology back with him.  Minus the headaches, you’d think he would be tearing up whoever’s in his way, right?  Not the case.  Cable barks a lot of commands but rarely do we see him go blitzkrieg on someone.  Blowing up a wall with his plasma rifle is about as explosive as it gets here.



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