Deadpool Comes to Blu-ray and DVD May 10th with Maximum Effort!
You may not have seen this coming, but Deadpool became one of the most successful superhero movies ever this year. Ryan Reynolds returned to the role he made infamous in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and made everyone much happier thanks to the committed work from everyone involved. The film is ridiculous, irreverent and full of action and comedy that easily worked for all who were into the spirit of the character. Now people can check out the Merc with the Mouth in the comfort of their own homes. Deadpool is coming to Blu-ray this May and it is packed with all sorts of extras. Dig into this post to learn more.
For Immediate Release:
Hold onto your chimichangas, folks. From the studio that brought you all 3 Taken films comes DEADPOOL, the block-busting, fourth-wall-breaking masterpiece about Marvel Comics’ sexiest anti-hero: me! Go deep inside (I love that) my origin story…typical stuff…rogue experiment, accelerated healing powers, horrible disfigurement, red spandex, imminent revenge. Directed by overpaid tool Tim Miller, and starring God’s perfect idiot Ryan Reynolds, Ed Skrein, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller and Gina Carano, DEADPOOL is a giddy slice of awesomeness packed with more twists than my enemies’ intestines and more action than prom night. Amazeballs!
Pre-Order Your Copy Here:
DEADPOOL will be available on Blu-ray and DVD May 10
from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.