Liz Madden Covers New Ground with ‘My Immortal Love’
The Irish singer with the harp-like voice is back with her latest album titled My Immortal Love, but this time, Liz Madden has taken her most recent musical effort in a different direction. Madden largely departs from the Irish folk and Celtic-inspired tunes to covering some of the more popular rock and pop tunes in recent memory from artists such as Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson and Gotyé just to name a few.
Have you ever heard a tune on the radio and thought, “I would like this song if somebody else were singing it?” Search no more as the dazzling voice of Liz Madden has provided the remedy for such an entertainment ailment. I will admit, before going over this album, I was a bit apprehensive. Quite often, a new rendition of a previously released song can fall anywhere in the spectrum of opinion from impressive to downright cringing, and not to mention it can be difficult to top the original. But make no mistake, Madden’s intent here is to venture into new territory and release an album outside of her traditional comfort zone, not one-up the original version.
She has effectively made each track her own with differing instrumentation and her flowing soprano vocals. For instance, I’m not much of a fan of the boy band One Direction. I’m not saying they’re good and I’m not saying they’re bad. I’m just saying thy’re not my cup of tea. With the fifteenth track on My Immortal Love, Madden performs their song ‘Irresistible’, but in her own creative way. For this reviewer, it’s now worthy of the repeat button in Madden’s delivery.
The big moment of apprehension for me was when I noticed ‘My Immortal’ as one of the seventeen songs comprising the album. The first major release from Evanescence, Fallen, is one of my all-time favorite albums. It’s gritty, it’s full of adrenaline and it’s haunting. One such tune off that release that falls into the latter of those three descriptions is ‘My Immortal’. I patiently waited, listening to each track on Madden’s new album before arriving at my Evanescence-inspired destination. Let me just say Liz Madden’s version did not disappoint. No matter how you wrap it, this is not an easy song to perform, but Madden has capably done so.
Here is the full track listing followed by the original artist of each song
- If I Die Young – The Band Perry
- Love Story – Taylor Swift
- Pay Phone – Maroon 5
- Wanted – Hunter Hayes
- Wide Awake – Katy Perry
- Somebody That I Used to Know – Gotyé
- Someone Like You – Adele
- Russian Roulette – Rihanna
- Try – Pink
- My Immortal – Evanescence
- Iris – Goo Goo Dolls
- Jar of Hearts – Christina Perri
- Stronger – Kelly Clarkson
- Breakeven – The Script
- Irresistible – One Direction
- Home – Phillip Philllips
- Bring on the Rain – Jo Dee Messina
So if you’re looking for something a little different though not entirely off the beaten path, I’d suggest Liz Madden’s My Immortal Love. It’s full of some of the biggest radio hits in recent memory with a different, softer twist.

And a really nice cover!
I’d be interested in hearing her take on some of those songs above.