Board, Blast Away and Have Fun with ‘Solo,’ A Star Wars Story (Movie Review)
I was very much against this movie being made ever since it was originally announced. I even rejoiced when the rumored Boba Fett film crashed and burned. It’s not that I don’t want another Star Wars film, because I do. It’s because of the fact I can’t credibly think of a world where you can ever do Han Solo justice in his early years with anyone besides Harrison Ford portraying the character. I know that’s being completely short-minded, but that’s just me and my selfish/bullish beliefs. I never said I was perfect, far from it in fact. However, then a flick came around and changed my mind on how I saw the Star Wars universe, in particular the spinoffs. That gem was Rogue One. I adore everything about the feature despite the fact that not a single Jedi with a lightsaber was pictured in it. Well, there was that Darth Vader guy, and what a scene/spectacle that was! Needless to say the trailers for Solo here looked like an absolute blast. Given the fact that I was enamored by Rogue One I have nothing but longing hope for much the same sentiments with Solo here. And oh yeah! That’s what we’re gathered here today to tackle down below. Time to rev up the hyperdrive!
Solo: A Star Wars Story, or as I’ll call it from now on Solo, is directed by Ron Howard (I’m totally skipping over the whole Phil Lord and Christopher Miller “creative differences” controversy) from a screenplay written by Jonathan and Lawrence Kasdan. It becomes the second of the Star Wars anthology films, following in the footsteps of my beloved Rogue One in 2016. So this anthology is basically a stand-alone installment set in the Star Wars universe before the events in A New Hope. It explores the childhood, romance and early adventures of Han Solo including his meeting of Chewbaca, Lando Calrissian and the “real” love of his life, the Millennium Falcon. The feature stars Alden Ehrenreich as the swashbuckling scoundrel, Han Solo, plus the always adept Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover (scene stealin’), Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo and Paul Bettany.
Just like 2016’s Rogue One this newest space western adventure takes place very much within the Star Wars universe we all know and love, but it’s free from the constraints of the restrictions with the Skywalker family trilogies of films. Therefore, what you have going in is very low stakes and if you’re like me, you’ll exit having a lot of fun. Believe it or not, there’s even a new likable droid character too. Furthermore, the filmmakers had everything that happened before A New Hope to play around with in here, should they chosen to do so that is. However, with all of this being true Solo is very much an origin film of the character, Han Solo, from his lineage to how he became the scoundrel we first met him as in 1977. The biggest events though are the introductions of not only how he met his loyal Wookie companion/co-pilot, but also his shifty pal Lando (played by the devilish Glover) and the “real” love of his life as I like to call it, the Millennium Falcon. Boom! That all goes down here and so much more!
Also like Rogue One we have a void in the scoring department with little involvement from longtime Star Wars composer John Williams (although he did contribute one song). Hence, main composer duties are filled by John Powell throughout here. The score is adequate and equally sufficient, but truth be told it takes a bit to get used to. I mean when you think of Star Wars you think of that iconic Williams score alongside it. Powell’s score momentarily takes you out of that mentality of am I watching a Star Wars film, but thankfully the action, visuals and rich characters of the familiar Star Wars universe reels you right back in. Truth be told it’s both the action and aloofness of this adventure that allows it to breathe freely from the shackles of the Skywalker trilogies, but also the many Easter eggs sprinkled throughout. They bring back not only nostalgia, but also warm feelings of a favorite childhood moment from your beloved Star Wars film universe. You’re sitting there and thinking to yourself did I just hear that character’s name said and oh my God, they didn’t just show…um you get the point.
Finally let’s get real here and come to Jesus. Is Alden a direct replacement for Harrison Ford? Um, no. There were some similarities in the poses and props utilized, but for much of this Alden brought his own charisma to the party just like Harrison did back in the 70’s. At first it felt forced, but as you become looser and have fun with this one you start seeing those traits and non-verbal cues (with slight resemblance) in Alden that harken back to the magic and appeal of the Han Solo character. So yes, my initial fears of this film were completely relinquished. Thank goodness! Nothing about this space western pushes the upper echelon of boldness and dare in filmmaking, but it doesn’t have to. It’s a Star Wars flick, albeit a low stakes blockbuster in my eyes, and for me it was completely enjoyable for what it is…a Star Wars movie. Don’t think any harder than that. If you go in with those expectations and your a fan of the franchise, I don’t know how you can feel cheated. Even Emilia Clarke brings her A-Game and if you saw the last Terminator flick, you know that’s something to write home about. Enjoy this trip down memory lane in a galaxy far, far away… I know I will again!