The Duellists (Blu-ray Review)


Being a fan of Ridley Scott, I’d heard about his first feature length film about a pair of duellists but had never seen it. Which is a shame because it not only won Best First Work Award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1977, but it’s become a cult classic that’s only gotten even more talked about as the years have gone by. The movie was also an early success for stars Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine who played the French officers who spend around a decade fighting each other.

This 1080p (1.78:1) transfer offers a very nice looking picture that brings the natural beauty of the surroundings to life. The film has a soft and painterly look that has been retained in this new transfer with no sacrifice in detail. There’s also no evidence of overzealous use of DNR either as the film has a nice level of cinematic grain. Colors look warm and realistic and black levels are suitably dark and solid. Overall this is a fairly good transfer but there are some speck that pop up every once in a while.

The Duellists offers two different audio tracks on the disc – a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix and a DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track. Both of them sound pretty good but the balance seems a little off as the mix veers from too wide of a range of highs and lows in quick succession. I had to keep a hand on my remote to keep the volume in balance because I never knew when the whispering would jump to a crescendo immediately. Dialogue is clear thankfully, since much of their lines are delivered very quietly. There’s not much surround activity to speak of but overall it’s a decent mix for a film of its age.

- Interview with Keith Carradine – This is a twenty-five minute talk with actor Keith Carradine about making the movie and it’s reception and eventual cult status. He still has fond memories of the movie and it’s a shame that Harvey Keitel didn’t join him to offer his thoughts.
- Dueling Directors: Ridley Scott and Kevin Reynolds – This featurette is my favorite one on this set and one that I wish other Blu-ray would incorporate. Instead of just watching some EPK clips of Scott talking about the movie like usual, this time we get a discussion between peers as Ridley Scott is questioned about the movie from fellow director Kevin Reynolds (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, The Count of Monte Cristo). There’s also some cool behind the scenes footage from the filming of the movie, some Cannes footage, as well as some clips of writer Gerald Vaughan-Hughes sharing his thoughts about the movie. I really love the idea of director’s interviewing directors and I hope it continues!
- Commentary with Director Ridley Scott – As usual, Mr. Scott offers a lot of interesting information about the making of his film and this is a commentary that film buffs and fans alike will enjoy.
- Commentary with Composer Howard Blake – A commentary and an isolated score by composer Howard Blake where he talks about his contributions to the film.
- Reversible Cover – This is another cool innovation that I hope others copy and that it continues. On the flip side of thle cover it has the original poster art which I prefer over the “giant head” poster that graces the front cover now. I really hope other studios start providing this option!

This was a fairly good debut film of Ridley Scott who even at this point in his career was clearly talented and able to make a low budget movie seem much bigger than it really was. The cast are all excellent in their roles and this Blu-ray offers some nice video and audio quality that makes the movie look and sound great, especially that final shot (see above) of Feraud standing on a mountain while a shaft of sunlight pierces the clouds in front of him. That shot alone is worth some stars! I also liked the innovative new kind of extras Shout Factory brought to this release with the directors segment and a reversible cover. Please support the Shout Factory and Ridley Scott and purchase this cool release!
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