Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (Blu-ray Review)
One of my top ten films of 2010, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps hits Blu-ray for the first time, but it is it worth it? Is it worth spending your hard earned cash or precious time to check out the world that was first introduced in that glorious year that was 1987? Well, that’s kind of subjective, and somewhat of a loaded question. If you’re ready to continue the adventures of Wall Street and then you need to read the following review of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps picks up about twenty years after the events in the first Wall Street film. After serving eight years in prison, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is finally out of jail (in 2001) and not quite sure on what to do next. The world has changed since he was on top. Fast forward to 2008 and the world of stock trading, money, and investments is in full effect. Jake Moore (Shia Lebouf) is a successful investment banker with Keller Zabel Investements. After getting a generous bonus from his boss, Louis Zabel (Frank Langella), Jake goes off and buys an engagement ring for his girlfriend Winnie (Carey Mulligan). Winnie just so happens to be the estranged daughter of Gordon Gekko. Yeah, you know where this is going.
Gordon Gekko had plenty of time in prison to write, and has become an author and lecturer and released his bestselling book “Is Greed Good?” Jake meets up with Gordon at the lecture and the two start talking it up. Gordon asks Jake that he wants to reconcile with his daughter. Hook, line, and sinker. Since most of the Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps takes place in and around the world of money some folks may have a hard time digesting the information. I would personally recommend that you watch the first film, so you can internalize the Gordon Gekko character. Wall Street is a brilliant character study and elevated Gordon Gekko as one of the best anti-heroes in film.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps also features a great cast which include: Josh Brolin, Eli Wallach, and Susan Sarandon among the main stars. I personally thought the film was very powerful and did reflect on things that are currently going on in the financial world. Gordon Gekko’s role has been reduced a bit, but Michael Douglas steals the show in every frame that he’s in. He’s a familiar character, so in some sick and twisted way, we as the audience are rooting for him. It’s kind of sick since he technically was the “bad guy” in the first film. Keep an eye out for Josh Brolin, though. Wow.
Don’t let my personal gushing over Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps deter you from watching the film on Blu-ray. If you noticed, I did paraphrase my review bit, because what kind of a reviewer would I be if I told you everything? Watch the first film first and then knock this one out after. You’ll thank me later.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is presented in a 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The video rocks. There’s a lovely layer of natural grain that envelopes the film; you know you’re watching film whether it was shot on digital or not. Colors leap out at you without being too intrusive. Flesh tones are natural and don’t look pumped up. There are many scenery shots that all come together without looking artificial. The clarity of this Blu-ray is very impressive.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is presented in 5.1 DTS Master Audio. This soundtrack is a winner. Sure, there may not be explosions and such, but the busy New York soundscape really does take hold of the viewer. Cars, trucks, trains, and dialogue effects are all handled without any problem. No pops or hiss were detected. Music was also handled well and is easy to hear and properly placed. You will not need to use your volume control or ask “what did they say?” Dialogue is clean and crisp. It’s nice.
Special Features 

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps has a relatively small-ish bounty of extras. What I have noticed from FOX is that they seem to be pretty consistent with their most recent Blu-ray releases in terms of extras. We’ve got an Oliver Stone commentary in which he talks about the film and why he decided to come back for the sequel. He’s always entertaining to listen to. We also have deleted scenes, making-of, a really cool and hilarious round table discussion with the main stars and director, and plenty more. I have listed the entire list of special features below for your reading pleasure.
- Audio Commentary by Oliver Stone
- A Conversation with Oliver Stone and the Cast of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
- Money, Money, Money: The Rise and Fall of Wall Street
- Deleted and Extended Scenes with Optional Commentary
- Fox Movie Channel presents In Character With…Michael Douglas, Shia Lebouf, Carey Mulligan, Josh Brolin and Frank Langella
Final Thoughts 

Again, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps will not be for everyone, but if you were a fan of the first film then you owe it to yourself to experience the sequel on Blu-ray for yourself. It’s on my top list of 2010, and there are several moments of brilliance in the film. Check it out.
Bring home Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on Blu-ray!
Gerard is gonna hate me, but looking back on this movie (kinda like The Expendables), I was initially ok with it, but now I just kinda dislike it. The performances by most are quite good – namely Douglas, LaBeauf, and Mulligan; but nothing else in this movie stands out as great, and the ending is horrible.
There is a word that I would use for the ending but it’s not “awful.” Then again, it would be a spoiler tell you what word.
People will just have to watch.
Is it horrible that I have never seen the first WS and have no desire to see this one? Just wondering.
Pretty horrible, Brian.