Wes Anderson Criterion Collection Blu-ray Sale Til June 1st
Hey, we are a Blu-ray site, might as well let everyone know when cool Blu-ray things are happening, right? Well, with the new release of Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic: with Steve Zissou making its debut on Blu-ray this week, it seems that Amazon is having a sale in its honor. All of the previous Criterion Collection editions of Wes Anderson’s film are currently on sale. While Criterion Blu-rays are not exactly cheap, this sale makes them a bit cheaper for a limited time, June 1st in fact, so if you were looking to find Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited, or my current contender for Blu-ray of the year, Fantastic Mr. Fox, for a decent a good price and don’t want to wait for another Barnes & Noble sale, continue on with this post to find order links for all of these Blu-rays, which are all packed with features and look and sound fantastic.
Order Any of These Film Here:

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