Wild Target (Blu-ray Review)
I had first seen the trailer for Wild Target almost a year ago as it played in front of my UK import copy of Solomon Kane. It got a laugh out of me, because I liked everyone that was in it. Flash forward almost a year later and I am now reviewing the domestic Blu-ray release of Wild Target. It’s kind of funny how things work out sometimes.

Wild Target tells the story of Rose (Emily Blunt) who is a thief by trade and a kleptomaniac by virtue. She just can’t help herself! After selling a forged painting to criminal mastermind Ferguson (Rupert Everett), a hit is put on pretty Rose’s head. Enter: Victor (Bill Nighy). Victor is the hitman you’ve only heard about in legend. He’s the most expensive and methodical hitman in the trade. Tony (Rupert Grint) is brought into the fold as an assistant of sorts, and all hell breaks loose as rival hitmen, gangsters, elderly mothers in wheelchairs all converge on poor Rose. Will she survive to steal another day?
Right about now you’ll be noticing the really positive score for the film itself. Your eyes do not deceive you. I LOVED this film! I already had a couple of things going for me, though. I’m a big fan of British style, humor, and programming. The fact that Wild Target had a great cast to begin with certainly helped too. Emily Blunt is hot, Bill Nighy is the man, and even little Rupert Grint managed to be downright likable, not that he wasn’t already. It was great to see Rupert Everett in a slimy role. The real surprise, and to my joy, was seeing Martin Freeman in this film. His star was on on steady rise and he will be even bigger once The Hobbit finishes filming. Freeman is also in the BBC’s Sherlock which is excellent. See, everyone that I like is in this film!
The dialogue is smart, witty, and very British. Well, this IS a British film, so it makes sense. I think that if they would have made it with an American sensibility it would have failed. Wild Target was released in 2009-2010 in Europe. It was released late in 2010 in the United States by distributor 20th Century Fox. It was refreshing to see Blunt not unhappy or morose since the last time I saw her was in The Wolfman and her role called for her to be sad all the time. Here’s hoping that the wrecking crew in Wild Target reunite for a sequel or another project. I may get hate mail for this, but the real reason why the film works is because of the chemistry by all of the actors. Everyone involved wants to be there and are having a ball. I have not seen this level of chemistry since I watched The A-Team. Yes, The A-Team! You can tell when a cast is having a good time. I was sold!

Wild Target is presented in a 1080p 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Yes, the video quality is up there in terms of quality! All of Emily Blunt’s pretty, colorful and somewhat garish outfits come through quite loud and clear. Wild Target has a colorful palette which makes all of the primary, secondary, and all of the colors of the rainbow just leap into your face. Some scenes of color composition are quite jaw dropping. Flesh tones are clean and crisp and no DNR smearing was detected. For a comedy film they really went all out on the the video presentation.

Wild Target is presented in 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio. What a perfect way to compliment the video score than with another four star. For a cool little comedy hitmen picture they turned it up to eleven on this one. The sound effects are clean and crisp as are the surround sound directional effects. The bass is pretty incredible and that’s just for the music and songs that accompany the film. It kicks something fierce!
Special Features 

We were doing so well. Alas, no special features are included on this Blu-ray with exception of a 3 minute promotion interview with Emily Blunt. Presented in standard definition.
- On Target with Emily Blunt
Final Thoughts 

Wild Target on Blu-ray is another one of those releases that falls victim to poor supplemental features for its home video release. Make no mistake, Wild Target is a fun little caper of a film and you should check it out. The obvious downside to the Blu-ray is that the special features are non-existent. Other than that, Wild Target is a fun little romp that I was happy to take.
Bring home Wild Target on Blu-ray!
Nice! I need to check this out. I recently became an Emily Blunt fan 🙂
It’s a lot of fun, she’s great to look at and so is this Blu-ray!
Best comedy caper of the year, imo!
I am heading to the store now for blu ray CDs! thanks for sharing!