Captain America: Civil War (Trailer Review)

(Warning: Spoilers ahead for Captain America: The Winder Soldier)
Now, considering that in the last Captain America movie we discovered that Hydra had been infiltrating “Shield” since the 50’s, Cap may have good reason for concern. Having said that, it’s hard to tell just how they are going to portray this story in the cinematic universe. For one thing, the movies have FAR less super heroes to work with. In the comics almost every Marvel character in the world was coming to blows over this Registration Act! Which made for an actual WAR that spanned for many issues! So it’s pretty safe to say that this movie won’t have anything on that type of scale. Also, in the cinematic universe most of the heroes have already unmasked themselves! Everyone knows the identities of Cap, Iron Man, and Thor! Although Thor doesn’t have much to worry about, what with him being a GOD and all! lol
Based on the trailer it seems that the story is going to be centered around Cap and Sam Wilson as they search for Cap’s friend Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier). It also looks like Bucky will be held accountable for his actions as a black ops assassin for Hydra. There is a moment in the trailer where a document is passed to someone with the title “The Sokovia Accords”. So I’m guessing that rather than having the change in Government policy be caused by a team of inexperienced super humans, that they’ve decided to use the events that occurred in “Age of Ultron” as their reasoning for establishing the Registration Act.
General “Thunderbolt” Ross (who you might remember from “The Incredible Hulk” movie) is back to head the investigation into Captain America and his friend Bucky. Black Widow makes an appearance, but it’s hard to say which side she’s on. All we can tell is that she wants to help Cap protect his friend from the Government. We also catch a couple glimpses of The Black Panther who looks friggin’ awesome! For those of you unfamiliar, The Black Panther is King of the sovereign African nation of Wakanda. He’s endowed with similar abilities to Captain America so it will be interesting to see what role he’ll play here. There’s also a quick shot of a titular “Civil War” villain. In this case it seems like they’ll be using this person in the same way that they were used in the comics. So I’m not gonna say who it is because if you haven’t read the comics, it will make for an awesome surprise! Interestingly enough, there are a couple moments where Tony Stark (Iron Man) get’s sentimental about having to go after Cap! Which I found a bit odd, considering Tony has always seemed to look down his nose at Cap. But then again, Tony is known for having complicated relationships.

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