Da Vinci’s Demons – The Complete Third Season (Blu-ray Review)

So this show has one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to period dramas; and that is when most of the characters speak, regardless of their country of origin, in a British accent. When a show or movie does this it looses a lot of it’s authenticity and makes it difficult to get engrossed in the story. It also kinda perpetuates the idea that if you’re a good and honorable person, you speak with an English accent, but you don’t, then you’re EVIL! It also just seems like a lazy thing for the filmmakers to do. Since it was filmed in Wales I’m sure it just made things a lot easier to have the actors use British accents rather than trying to attempt a style of speech from foreign land. But at the same time you have shows like “Vikings” which take place in Scandinavia. Their main character is played by an Australian actor, and yet he totally nails the the Scandinavian accent! It just makes things so much more rich and diverse.
The visual effects are fairly decent, but compared to other similar shows they somewhat pale in comparison. Nowadays people can easily spot the inaccuracies in a show’s digital effects. So if a TV show’s effects aren’t at least close to the level of a major motion picture, it’s generally held in a lower regard. Though the visual scope of this season is a bit small, it’s strength lies in the action during the battle scenes. You can tell that the directors of each episode take great care to recreate the intensity and random violence of war. But that’s not to say that making a show like this in a smaller or “theater style” way can’t be done. You could totally pull it off but it would require much more comprehensive writing and a stronger cast. In a way, you could say that “Da Vinci’s Demons” is the “Battlestar Galactica” of period dramas; not quite “Star Trek” but better than “Stargate”.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Clarity/Detail: Crisp and very clear. Although for shows like this it helps to have some grittiness to the image.
Depth: Fairly good depth. Although most of the shot from a distance are crated digitally and they lack a bit of realistic scope.
Black Levels: Rich and accurate. Although the night time scenes are a bit hazy.
Color Reproduction: Excellent and vibrant colors.
Flesh Tones: Not bad. But there’s definitely room for improvement. The lighting is a bit harsh at times.
Noise/Artifacts: Clean. No problems here to speak of.
Audio Format(s): English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1, Spanish: Dolby Digital Mono
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Dynamics: There are quite a few opportunities to take advantage of the dynamics and I must say that they’re done quite well. The balance between the explosions and the dialogue is very consistent.
Low Frequency Extension: Boom goes the canon! Good stuff here!
Surround Sound Presentation: N/A.
Dialogue Reproduction: Pretty good. Although there are a few moments where people mumble a bit and it’s tricky to make out what they’re saying. But those moments are few and far between.

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