DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: The Complete Second Season (Blu-ray Review)
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow was a hotly anticipated show leading up to its debut last year on the CW. It was going to be the “team up” show, consisting of a lot of characters from Flash and Arrow, plus their own. It began with some crossing over in two original shows and then set asail (or aspace) on its own. The first season was that of a learning curve as it was hit and miss, had some incredibly worthless characters and a blah villain. However, learn they did as the second season was an incredible bounce back. It was one of the top shows in the universe, maybe have the best season of all four last year. They figured their characters and their storytelling out and wound up delivering pretty much every week. Relive that season and gear up for the third one with the Blu-ray set from Warner Bros, coming August 15th.

Charged with protecting the timeline from temporal aberrations – changes to history that spawn potentially catastrophic consequences – the Legends reassemble with the addition of historian Nate Heywood (aka Citizen Steel) and Justice Society of America member Amaya Jiwe (aka Vixen). And yet, for every force of good, there is an opposing force of darkness. In Season Two, the Legends of Tomorrow face off against the first ever team of DC Super-Villains: the Legion of Doom, including Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Captain Cold and the Reverse Flash. After saving the world from Vandal Savage and the corrupt Time Masters, the Legends of Tomorrow are now charged with protecting time (past, present and future) itself, taking them across history and up against the power of the Spear of Destiny – a threat unlike any humanity has ever known.
I was very ho hum on the first season of Legends of Tomorrow. It was okay, but overall felt a bit disappointing. Expectations were sky high and it turned out to be something we weren’t really expecting it to be. However, notes were taken, fans were listened to, changes were made and a crazy improvement it made. Now, in this second season, its the show it may have been destined to be. The show is able to hope around from time to time with a little bit lighter or looser serialized narrative, but this time its always very focused on narrative or character stakes to keep it interesting and engaging each episode.
One massive improvement; goodbye Vandal Savage and the worthless Hawk assholes. Instead we get Vixen and Citizen Steel, who take their time and don’t feel forced or too much on us. They really find their place and chemistry in the cast. And as for villains…oh yes…Reverse Flash, Damian Dahrk, Malcolm Merlin and later on, Captain Cold. An all star Rogues gallery who also share a history with the heroes and a good chemistry with one another. Hell, Damian Dahrk kinda sucked on Arrow, but he’s a good fit here.
With the returning cast, they really relish in what was working last time and also build relationships. They restore and rebuild your fondness for Rip Hunter by having him disappear and be part of the search for the season and then take a twist on him when he does join back up. In his place, the best decision made, White Canary leads the Legends, and this is ace in the whole. She’s finding her way and learning how to take on such a task in the season, but she’s a great leader. Plus, I love her fight scenes too. One the coolest things ever is her in the samurai garb during the “Shogun” episode. PLEASE revisit it, Legends! One of my favorite lines happens in the crossover when she tells Oliver Queen “Can you believe this all started with just us?” A great moment for the whole universe. In addition, Victor Garber is always terrific, Brandon Routh is such an underrated performer.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is my surefire candidate for the DCTV most improved player of all the series. Hell, it makes a case for being MVP. The show has figured out how to tell its story, found a cast dynamic that works (Including 2 great new players) and put them against an incredibly fun villainous opposition. Everything is firing on all cylinders in this season and here’s hoping they found their stride and continue it on looking ahead to their third year.
Out of Time
The Justice Society of America
Outlaw Country
The Chicago Way
Raiders of the Lost Art
The Legion of Doom
Land of the Lost
Fellowship of the Spear

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Clarity/Detail: Legends of Tomorrow has a nice cross of vibrancy and is darker in its look being a hybrid of some of the DC shows. Fitting as its a blend of all of them. The image is nice, sharp and full of cool details like costuming ticks and and territorial textures. This is a nice uptick from the the TV broadcast picture and manages to hold onto keeping the CG looking solid.
Depth: This is a very nice, loose, free and spacey image. Movements are natural and smooth. There are some great action scenes that give a real 3 dimensional vibe to the whole ordeal. Maybe the best of all the DC shows in this regard.
Black Levels: Blacks are deep and rich. No crushing witnesses. Shading, darker lit scenes and the shadows are strong suit and look pretty good.
Color Reproduction: Coloring is rich and bold, with good reds, yellows and blues among the many. White actually carries a strong palette and looks nice.
Flesh Tones: Skin tones are natural and maintain consistency throughout the season. Some scenarios, flashbacks and places can change the tones to fit color timing, but overall, the natural state of things is solid. Facial details like freckles, dimples, wrinkles, stubble and cuts and scrapes all come through crystal clear.
Noise/Artifacts: Clean

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Portuguese 2.0 Dolby Digital,
Subtitles: English SDH, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
Dynamics: Legends of Tomorrow sounds beautiful here in this 5.1 mix. It might be the most action packed of the group of DC shows. There are scenes with a lot going on and this track manages to capture it all and rapt the viewer up in the middle of it. Effects are well layered with good distinction. A nice healthy balance of the mix of score, vocals and effects carry this over nicely.
Height: N/A
Low Frequency Extension: Explosions, gun blasts, giants stomping and a lot of sci-fi noises (lol) fill the subwoofer with many different twists and turns and beats and bumps.
Surround Sound Presentation: Legends of Tomorrow provides a lively 5 channel performance. Many full on battle scenes take an edge to give some buffer to the rear speakers while building an awesome back and forth up in the front.
Dialogue Reproduction: Dialogue is crisp, set to a great volume and plenty clear. All diction comes intact.

DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: The Complete Second Season is a 3-Blu-ray Disc set that comes with an UltraViolet Digital Copy of each episode and an insert booklet.
Disc 1
Deleted Scenes
- Out of Time (HD, 1:00)
- The Justice Society of America (HD, 3:02)
- Shogun (HD, 1:30)
- Compromised (HD, :39)
- Outlaw Country (HD, 1:01)
Disc 2
Allied: The Invasion! Complex / DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (HD, 9:56) – This is the behind-the-scenes/making of for the cross-over from Legends of Tomorrow angle of the 4-episode event.
Deleted Scenes
- Camelot/3000 (HD, 1:35)
Disc 3
Deleted Scenes
- Land of the Lost (HD, 2:45)
- Moonshot (HD, :49)
- Fellowship of the Spear (HD, :35)
Gag Reel (HD, 6:39)
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2016 Comic-Con Panel (HD, 29:56) – This is the annual comic-con bonus feature that consists of being the full panel from the previous year’s comic-con that preceded the second season.

Legends of Tomorrow really finds its stride in the second season, making it the time travelling blast you were hoping for during the first year. This Blu-ray comes with picture and audio a notch above the broadcast. The extras and packaging for this come with your tradition setup for the DCTV shows. If you’ve bought any of them in the past, you know what what you’re in for.