The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring (Blu-ray Review)
The greatest and most ambitious series of fantasy movies has finally come to Blu-ray! The Lord of the Rings trilogy represents one of the biggest gambles in modern film history as all three films were filmed at once with a director who was better known for small horror movies, not to mention the fact that fantasy films generally aren’t successful at the box office.
The fact that New Line Cinema bankrolled this massive undertaking despite the odds makes me glad that it all paid off with huge box office grosses and awards. The path to success was a long time in coming as these movies had many obstacles before they hit the big-screen. The trilogy was originally envisioned as two movies by Peter Jackson, but when he talked to Miramax, they wanted it to be one movie so Jackson took the movie to New Line Cinema. New Line, facing enormous costs to fund these movies, requested that the two movies be expanded to three so Jackson and his co-writers, Fran Walsh and Phillipa Boyens, went back to work to split the story into three parts.
Casting was also tricky since not only did the actors have to be right for the roles but they also had to commit a large amount of their time as the trilogy was to be filmed all at once . Sean Connery, Patrick Stewart, Lucy Lawless, Anthony Hopkins, Tilda Swinten, and Kate Winslet were approached to be in the movie, but it didn’t work out because of confusion over the story, schedules, or they simply weren’t interested or had played similar roles. I can’t imagine anyone else playing Gandalf except Ian McKellan, but it is interesting to imagine the role if it was played by Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart.
Probably the best known story about casting the trilogy is the story of Stuart Townsend who was the actor who was originally cast to play Aragorn. After four days of filming, he was let go because he wasn’t old enough to have the world weariness that the role required. Viggo Mortensen was hired to play the role and joined the production that was already filming when he arrived. He wasn’t familiar with the books but his son was and pushed for him to accept the role, so Mortensen read the book on plane trip to New Zealand. On his first day of shooting, he had never used a sword and his first scene was him defending the hobbits from the Ring-wraiths on Weathertop. Later, once he had received some sword training, famed sword-master Bob Anderson who had trained many actors in the past including Errol Flynn, said that Mortensen was “the best swordsman I’ve ever trained.”
Elijah Wood was cast as Frodo after sending in a homemade video of him in the forest reading lines from the book. Newcomer Orlando Bloom got the role of Legolas two days before graduating from his drama school. Ian Holm was always Jackson’s first choice to play Bilbo Baggins and who coincidentally had played Frodo years before for a BBC radio program of the book. Christopher Lee is the only member of the production who had actually met with J.R.R. Tolkein and had received the author’s permission to play Gandalf if a production ever occurred. Although, he didn’t get the role of Gandalf, he was offered the role of Saruman which he gladly accepted since he loves the books so much that he has read them once a year since they were published decades ago.
The Fellowship of the Ring went on to gross almost $871 million worldwide and netted 13 Academy Award nominations and won 4 of them including Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Music, and Best Makeup. The movie is currently ranked the 20th most successful movie of all time worldwide. This success of this movie among a wide range of demographics surprised many and even know it has a freshness rating of 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie’s popularity helped launch its two sequels and made them highly anticipated the following years.

Much like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings movies jump right into the middle of the story of Middle-Earth by starting with the Fellowship of the Ring and not the Hobbit (which is now in pre-production). However, instead of an opening scrawl telling us what’s going on, instead we get a well done prologue that shows the history of events that led up to the current crisis. We learn that a supremely powerful being named Sauron created Rings of Power and divided them up between the leaders of Men, Dwarves, and the Elves. They accepted the rings to increase their personal power willingly and soon learn to regret it as we also learn that Sauron is as evil as his is powerful, and that he created a Ring of Power that has the ability to control the other rings and turn their wearers to Sauron’s bidding.
In fact, the leaders of Men have fallen under the One Ring’s influence and have become Ring-wraiths, neither living nor dead, but servants of Sauron and his Ring of Power. Talk about buyer’s remorse! The situation had grown so dire that all of the races of free men stood up against Sauron at the foot of Mt. Doom where the One Ring was created. They succeed in defeating Sauron because he never learned to keep his hands to himself and once he lost the Ring of Power his body dematerializes. We skip ahead decades and the people of Middle-Earth are living the good life and not really paying attention to the warning signs that Sauron may not be gone for good. Everyone except the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellan) who notices the little things like orange burning light off in the distance and lightning and thunder coming from the direction of Mordor. As long as the Ring of Power exists, Sauron can never be fully defeated so a Fellowship of Nine is created with the sole task of taking the Ring of Power to Mordor and destroy it.
As this is the first movie out of three, their journey is long and dangerous and isn’t resolved fully until the third movie Return of the King. This movie is my favorite of the three because of the masterful way the characters are introduced and the way they evolve over the course of the movie and by extension the entire trilogy. It’s the little touches that make the characters work, like the way Gandalf enjoys entertaining children with fireworks. It successfully humanizes a being of immense power who has lived far beyond a normal human lifetime. Aragorn battles self-doubt because of his bloodline and their failure to resist the Ring of Power despite his heroic actions. Legolas and Gimli have to overcome their racial distrust of other races, and the Hobbits have to face a far more dangerous world than the one they are used to.
Boromir perhaps has the greatest arc of all as from the outset he wants to use the Ring of Power to fight Sauron as his city of Gondor has been fighting the minions of Mordor for a long time and they are getting desperate. Baromir’s father Denethor is the Regent of the City in the absence of the leadership of Aragorn who has forsworn his responsibilities out of fear of failure. So not only is Baromir denied the opportunity to use the Ring the way he wants, but he also has to travel with the man who has abandoned the city he is defending and left his people in the lurch. To make matters even worse, the Ring of Power starts to work it’s influence on Baromir, playing on his fears in an attempt to make him steal the ring from Frodo. For me, the final resolution of Baromir’s struggles both spiritual, mental, and physical are what elevates this movie from fantastic to epic. It is both inspiring and heartbreaking and Sean Bean knocked it out of the park especially his final scene with Viggo Mortensen where both characters help each other find the clarity, peace, and sense of purpose that they had been missing. I still don’t know why Viggo Mortensen or Sean Bean weren’t nominated for an Academy Award for their performances, but I am glad that Ian McKellan snagged a nomination for Gandalf even if he didn’t win.
This is the rare franchise that works on every level. It’s obvious that the cast, crew, writers, special effects crew, stunt people, and production crew gave everything they had to these movies. Peter Jackson deserves all the praise coming to him for pulling these movies off. In addition, Howard Shore created a legendary score that is one of the finest released. As good as the other two movies are (and they are damn good), this movie is what made them work as well as they do. The character building and the relationships that are formed by this movie make up the foundation that makes the ending so satisfying and touching. The Lord of the Rings trilogy completed my holy trinity of movie franchises along with the Star Wars saga and the Indiana Jones series. I can’t imagine any fantasy films being done any better than this and it’s a trilogy that I can watch over and over again.

The 1080p/VC-1 transfer looks a lot better than its DVD counterpart, but I had higher expectations for it after waiting all of this time for the high def release of this trilogy. Don’t worry, the following movies look a lot better than this but this first one is a mixed bag to review. Some shots are perfect and others especially nighttime shots, are murky and soft. I wonder if the varying degrees of quality reflect a variety of shooting techniques and post-production choices as there doesn’t seem to be any other explanation. There is some grain present and minor edge enhancement seen, but nothing that is glaringly bad. I’m probably giving this a slightly higher rating than I should, but I am so happy to see this in high def that I am feeling generous. Plus as you will see in my next two reviews, the quality does significantly improve.

This is where the disc shines. You can hear and feel every line, blow, and whisper in this movie. Every channel is used perfectly and the DTS-HD Master 6.1 Audio surround field is incredible. Whether it’s the fight in Balin’s Tomb or with the Balrog, this is home demo quality. This is the best this movie has ever sounded and Howard Shore’s music is balanced perfectly with the sound design. Dialogue is crystal clear and the sound field as a whole is incredibly immersive. You should buy the Blu-ray editions just for the sound alone.
Special Features 

Maybe I’m spoiled by the past Extended Editions of this series, but these extras are basically EPK fluff. While I commend the studio for their efforts to include material that wasn’t on the original DVD release of the theatrical editions, I was hoping for more but got what I expected. Just like the last round, I will bide my time waiting for the Extended Editions with the theatrical editions. I can guarantee you those when those come out, they will earn the name Special Features. Sadly, this set doesn’t but it does have some nuggets of tastiness to it. Everything but the trailers is in Standard Definition.
- Welcome to Middle-Earth: Houghton Mifflin In-Store Special – A brief look back with interviews with the cast and crew.
- Quest for the Ring: Fox TV Special – A FOX special dedicated to help people understand the events in the movie for those that hadn’t seen it or were confused.
- A Passage to Middle-Earth: Sci-Fi Channel Special – A better special as it goes into more detail on a variety of areas but it is still feels lacking.
- Featurettes – These 3-5 minute clips that were shown on the are interesting but like the rest of the special features on this disc, it just whets your appetite for more.
- TV Spots – Six tv spots for the film.
- Music Video – A music video for Enya’s May it be.
- Special Extended DVD Edition Preview – A preview for the DVD(!) extended edition. I guess just to get people excited for the upcoming Blu-ray extended editions. They really should have created a new preview for the Blu-rays.
- Behind the Scenes Preview of ‘The Two Towers’ – Another recycled preview to a movie that came out eight years ago. I guess this is good for the people that haven’t seen the movies yet and to get them excited about the Two Towers.
- Theatrical Trailers – Three excellent trailers for each of the movies.
- Trilogy “Super Trailer” – A six and half minute long trailer for all three movies. Highly enjoyable!
- Game Trailers – Trailers for two games based on the movies, Aragorn’s Quest and War in the North.
Final Thoughts 

I cannot recommend this movie enough. While I prefer the Extended Editions of each of the movies, the theatrical editions are also excellent and I know a lot of people prefer them due to their shortened length. Although the video quality could be better, the audio on this disc is exemplary although the special features are somewhat disappointing. If you can wait until Fall of 2011 to pick up the Extended Editions, then I recommend that but if you can’t wait then you shouldn’t feel bad about picking up this theatrical box set. It is still the best of all of the releases so far and maybe New Line Cinema will give us a break on the Extended Editions like they did the last go around. Besides, as you will see in my next reviews, the quality of the discs gets better each time! So get yours today!
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Thanks for the great review!
Awesome, awesome, awesome films. It’s hard to believe the first time I saw ‘Fellowship’ I nearly fell asleep. I revisited it and I don’t know if I was having an off day the first time around or what, but I enjoyed it considerably the second time around. I was ectatic when ROTK won an Oscar, deservingly so.
Sean, on a separate note, what is the difference between the first two Amazon links above? One is $46, the other $35.
@Gregg….the difference is one comes with Digital Copies a($66) and the other doesn’t ($55). I had to do a double look-see too.
@Sean…Great in-depth review! And I never knew that about Sean Connery, but I can’t tell you the overwhelming feeling of relief I have knowing he was never chosen for this franchise. Phew!
I’ll wait until the extended editions are released on blu-ray. Until then I will continue to cherish my standard dvd set of the EE versions.
Oh yeah Sean…that’s what I wanted to ask you too…how do you know the EE’s will be released in Fall 2011? Not sure if I will pick those up, but I always wanted to check them out one day…on Blu-ray of course. But nothing will beat Star Wars on Blu-ray next year. Watch party at my house!
Tom – Thank you for reading it! I’m glad you liked it!
Gregg – I was ecstatic when RoTK won all the Oscars too but I wish the Academy had awarded all of the movies and not just focused on the last one. All of them deserved awards but I’m glad they at least recognized the last one since the Academy usually ignores popular movies unless it’s about a movie about some disease or handicap. I think they knew there would be a huge backlash if LOTR didn’t win. Thanks to Brian for answering the cost question of the two versions and he is correct.
Brian – Thanks for the compliments and I’m glad you liked the review! I think Sean Connery would have been good in the role of Gandalf, but it’s hard to imagine anyone other than Iam McKellan in that role. And to answer your question, I read an interview with Peter Jackson where he said that the extended editions would be out late next year but of course things can change. I’m willing to bet they will be out then though as it would follow the pattern they’ve always followed with these releases.
Gerard – I was waiting for the extended editions as well but I am very happy that I got to review these because it was killing me to know that the LOTR movies were on Blu-ray and I didn’t own them! As much as I love the theatrical editions, I prefer the extended editions.
I have the extended editions on dvd. I liked seeing the missing scenes but I didn’t really find any of their omissions in the theatrical release as bad cuts. The scenes tended to stand out a bit in the EE’s and instead of contributing to flow, were almost awkward in some cases. It was good editing to take them out. Then again, that’s why Peter Jackson got to where he is.
I’ve got to disagree with you on that one Gregg. The added scenes in the Extended Editions added a lot of detail that helped explain things. Spoiler Alert for those of you that haven’t seen the movies yet to stop reading this now as I am about to list the additions to the extended cuts!
The Fellowship of the Ring
Isildur’s death.
Bilbo’s opening narration “Concerning Hobbits”.
Bilbo at Bag-End avoiding the Sackville-Bagginses.
Bilbo and Frodo dialogue at the party scene, while avoiding the Sackville-Bagginses.
The Hobbits at the Green Dragon.
A conversation between Ted Sandyman, Hamfast Gamgee, Old Noakes, Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins.
Frodo and Sam seeing Wood Elves making their way to the Grey Havens on their first day of their journey across the Shire.
The crossing of the Midgewater.
Aragorn singing “The Lay of Lúthien”.
Sam shows Frodo the trolls when they are at Trollshaws.
Gandalf reciting Black Speech at the Council of Elrond.
Aragorn visiting his mother’s grave.
The Fellowship given a goodbye at Rivendell.
Gandalf warning Frodo about Boromir near Moria.
Lothlórien panorama added.
Sam’s poem about Gandalf’s fireworks.
The Fellowship members have flashbacks from when they were given their gifts from Galadriel.
Celeborn and Aragorn have a conversation in a flashback.
Aragorn and Boromir seeing Gollum on a log.
Fan Club credits.
The Two Towers
Faramir finds the boat carrying the body of his brother Boromir, which brings him many memories that help to explain in detail his relationship with his father Denethor and Denethor’s unsympathetic attitude towards his Faramir.
Éomer finds his cousin mortally wounded and brings him to Edoras.
The funeral of Théodred.
The encounter between the hobbits Merry and Pippin and Treebeard is extended; There is also a scene in which Merry and Pippin stay drunk only to hear the powerful voice of the Ent, almost falling off Treebeard’s body.
Some humorous scenes, such as one in which Eowyn (who is an awful cook) serves a plate of terrible appearence to Aragorn (In which Aragron reveals his age to be 87) or another in which Merry and Pippin grow a few inches after drinking an elixir made by the Ents.
The Return of the King
The final confrontation between Gandalf and Saruman on Isengard; Saruman’s staff breaks and he is stabbed in the back by Gríma Wormtongue, who is shot with an arrow by Legolas; Saruman falls from Orthanc and is impaled in a war machine. His palantír falls on the water and is found by Pippin.
The drinking game between Legolas and Gimli
The Mouth of Sauron
The fighting between Gandalf and the Witch-king of Angmar in Minas Tirith.
Extended scenes of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
The march of Frodo and Sam between the orcs
Faramir telling Denethor that he would never use the One Ring (in a flashback on which Boromir appears).
Aragorn seeing the fleet of Corsairs ships.
Faramir and Eowyn in the Houses of Healing
Merry offering his services to King Theoden
Aragorn revealing the sword Anduril to Sauron in a palantír.
ragorn, Legolas and Gimli barely escaping from an avalanche of craniums when they are negotiating the alliance with the Dead.
Faramir and Pippin having a passionate conversation in Minas Tirith.
Gollum and Frodo struggling on Mount Doom.
Sam threatening Gollum about Frodo on the secret stairs to Shelob’s Lair.
Spoiler alert over! Some of these are minor scenes but the majority of them are actually important and either advance the plot or at least add additional texture to the rest of the movies especially the extra scenes for the Two Towers and Return of the King which had major events like Saruman’s fate cut out of them. You should really watch the extended editions again to see how much has added and what a difference it makes!