Halloween: The Complete Collection – 10 Disc Edition (Blu-ray Review)
What seems to be little known is that there were actually two versions of Halloween: The Complete Collection back on September 23rd. Most every bit of press and excitement wen toward the Deluxe Limited Edition that came with 15 discs. And rightfully so. There was another, more basic edition, released as well. That one is only 10 discs and is pretty much just the discs with the regular cut of the movie and that’s it. So, gone are your original Anchor Bay release of the original, the TV Cut of Halloween II (1981), The Producer’s Cut of The Curse Of Michael Myers, Rob Zombie’s 4 hour making of documentary from his remake and disc 15 which included the extended cut of the original and the retrospective documentaries on Return and Revenge Of Michael Myers. This edition runs a bit cheaper and I guess is for someone who is more concerned with saving shelf space (its much more condensed packaging) and doesn’t care all too much about alternate cuts or bonus material. Let’s take a look at what it does include.
If you’re looking for additional thoughts on these films, and more in depth analysis on them, please see my 31 Days Of Halloween special from last year on my blog Naptown Nerd by clicking HERE.
If you’d like to see reviews of the new material not included in this particular box set, click HERE for my review of the Producer’s Cut and HERE for Disc 15.
John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978) 

Fifteen years ago, a young boy named Michael Myers murdered his older sister on Halloween night with no rhyme or reason. His psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis believes him to be complete evil and is looking to lock him up for good. On the eve before Halloween, Michael escapes the asylum and heads home to Haddonfield, Illinois where he stalks Laurie Strode and her friend Annie as they babysit across the street from one another on Halloween night.
If you’re a frequent reader of me here, you’ll know by now that this is my favorite film of all time. I once fell in love with the thrill ride this film gave me when I saw it at a young age. Michael’s night of terror really struck me and scared the piss out of me. As the years went on and I continued to study the film and learning about how it was made, it became somewhat of an inspiration that Carpenter and company could take this little minimalist production and make one of the largest impacts in film history. This made me feel like I could do something like that too. Through later years, my appreciation continues to grow in just appreciating the craft and admiring the masterwork of one of my all time favorite directors, producers and cinematographers.
I wasn’t alone in my inspiration as many a film would come out of Halloween’s success. Halloween might be one of the most knocked off and copied films of all time. Its the precursor to the slasher boom that would rock the 80s and resurface in the latter half of the 90s. However, none could do it as well as John Carpenter’s original film. I’ve always wondered if Halloween wouldn’t have spurned the critically reviled slasher wave and 9 sequels, that it wouldn’t rate much higher on many “all-time” lists for film history. Its always made me curious if its success and tons of homages has maybe been an enemy to it in the critical appreciation realm.
While I find this series a lot of fun to go through every year, and I have strong feelings for some of the sequels, I’ve always said that Halloween might’ve been a much stronger film and legacy had it just been this film. Sequels wouldn’t water down Michael’s evil by slowly explaining it or watering it down with repetition. Nothing would be more scary than the randomness of his first night and the mystery of the unexplained. When Michael was merely “The Shape”. That said, I’m still pretty glad our pale faced knife wielder stuck around and gave us some other adventures.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: Being as this is almost identical to the 35th Anniversary disc from last year, the transfer is the exact same Dean Cundey approved one. Its got an outstanding look as it has a very gray look and feel to it. It really looks and feels like fall in the midwest. The picture is much less warm compared to the original Blu-ray release. Detail is high too as you can make out most all the drip of the wet sidewalks and see fuzzies coming off the characters’ clothing.
Depth: There’s a terrific amount of accuracy to the film on this home video transfer. There’s a nice 3 dimensional look to a lot of the sidewalk walking scenes.
Black Levels: Deep and respectively accurate blacks. Shading is phenomenal and dark scenes are well represented.
Color Reproduction: The colors are well represented but held in check. Greens and the orange of the pumpkins look luscious without overly popping. Clothing colors that are supposed to be rich pop as they should.
Flesh Tones: Neutral and completely consistent.
Noise/Artifacts: There is a light layer of grain that makes it look filmic gorgeous. During a shot with Laurie in her bedroom there is a hair present. This has been there on other versions of the film as well.

For this release, I’m choosing the mono track as its new to this release.
Audio Format(s): English Dobly TrueHD 7.1, English Dolby TrueHD Mono
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Dynamics: This original mono track rocks as it has no bogus stuff like added lightning and thunder sounds. Its how the film sounded on its theatrical release. This representation of it brings a classic purist presentation and there’s a great balance and variation on sound, score and voice. I know we love our surround systems, but this is the way to watch Halloween.
Low Frequency Extension: N/A
Surround Sound Presentation: N/A
Dialogue Reproduction: Dialogue is loud and clean. Laurie’s screams are better than ever.

Audio Commentary
- Writer/Director John Carpenter And Actor Jamie Lee Curtis
- Director Of Photography Dean Cundey, Editor/Production Designer Tommy Wallace And Actor Nick Castle – This is an all new commentary for this release.
The Night She Came Home!! (HD, 59:43) – Focuses on Jamie Lee Curtis first and last ever convention appearance.
On Location: 25 Years Later (HD, 10:25) – PJ Soles revisits the Myers’ home and shooting locations.
TV Version Footage (HD, 10:46) – Scenes that were made for the TV cut of the film.
Trailer (HD, 2:42)
TV Spots (SD, 1:16) – 3 total
Radio Spots (SD, 1:24) – 3 total
Halloween II (1981) 

Picking up just seconds after the original, Halloween II continues Michael Myers’ night of terror. While Dr. Loomis and the police hunt for Michael, Laurie Strode is taken to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. Eluding the search, Michael tracks Laurie to the hospital and begins picking off the staff one by one. As the night continues Michael gets closer to Laurie and Dr. Loomis comes closer to discovering Michael’s true motivations.
Carpenter returned in a writing capacity for the sequel, but did not direct. However, he was pretty unhappy with the original cut of the film and went back and shot some stuff of his own to make the film much more horrific. The end result is a film that isn’t quite as good as the first, but is definitely a high quality top notch slasher. It also evokes a feeling and enjoyment that will remind you of the first film. A lot of that has to do with much of the same crew returning. Most importantly Dean Cundey’s vision.
Currently Halloween II has been my favorite sequel in the original canon. There’s a lot to love about this sequel. From the synth score to a some memorable kills. I also think the way they shoot a lot of the hospital sequences. Its a spooky looking film. Yes, there’s much more far fetched and over the top moments than the original, but its an extension of it taking it further. While the kills are more violent and graphic than the first, they are actually done with purpose and make the violence hurt and count.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: This is the same transfer (and disc) as Scream Factory’s previous release. As is, I really love this fresh look of Halloween II. It has a sort of “light grindhouse” feel to it. The print has some character, but nothing overbearing. Detail is high and stuff like wood grain and fingerprints are quite visible. You can also make out full texture on Mrs. Elrod’s robe.
Depth: Solid amount of detail. Early on there’s some good shots with characters in front of doorways that really are a good example of the depth in the transfer.
Black Levels: Blacks are nice and inky and perfectly transferred. Detail is still greatly present with all the blacks.
Color Reproduction: Colors are rich and do pop when available. Red is very distinct and strong as should be. There’s not a whole bright colorful palette in the film as a lot of this takes place at the dreary hospital.
Flesh Tones: Skin is natural and consistent.
Noise/Artifacts: A nice layer of grain and some specs here and there.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: N/A
Dynamics: The 5.1 mix is quite terrific, providing a loud and lively experience. There is a great variance to the sounds and balance. Very crisp and surprisingly clean. I’ll be surprised if Halloween II ever sounds better than this.
Low Frequency Extension: Primarily used for the crashes and explosions. Also enhances a lot of the musical jump scare scenes.
Surround Sound Presentation: Rear speakers are mainly used for the score and scare sounds. Plenty of left and right action with well placed musical hits to keep the viewer on their toes.
Dialogue Reproduction: Clean and clear. Some analog aging can be heard in spots, but that’s due to the age of the film.

Audio Commentary – Both are the same as the previous edition
- With Director Rick Rosenthal and Actor Leo Rossi
- With Stunt Coordinator/Actor Dick Warlock
The Nightmare Isn’t Over (HD, 44:55) – The retrospective featurette featuring cast and crew (sans Jamie Lee Curtis) back to discuss the story of making Halloween II.
Horror’s Hallowed Grounds (HD, 13:10) – Sean Clark revisits the shooting locations of Halloween II
Still Gallery – 62 images of promo photos, behind the scenes photos, lobby cards and posters.
TV Spots (HD, 1:41) – 3 commercials
Radio Spots (HD, 3:17) – 8 radio ads
Alternate Ending – With Optional Commentary From Director Rick Rosenthal (HD, 1:44) – “We made it!”
Deleted Scenes – With Optional Commentary From Director Rick Rosenthal (HD, 8:06)
Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (1982)
After a suspicious murder of a patient who owns a costume shop, alcoholic Dr. Challis decides to take on his own investigation. Along with his late patient’s daughter, they go to a small town where Halloween masks are made. Its dirty secret leads to Celtic origins and witchcraft. Conal Cochrane is planning on killing all the children of the world via his masks and a subliminal message in the commercial that has a jingle that will be stuck in your head for the rest of your life when you see this movie.
John Carpenter and Debra Hill decided the Myers storyline went as far as it could possibly go after Halloween II. So, they decided to keep the franchise alive by making an annual event to have a film from the series focus on something spooky to connect to the holiday. Season Of The Witch was their first and only foray into this as it backfired. Due to poor marketing, people went in expecting Michael Myers and instead were treated to Conal Cochrane, Tom Atkins and insects eating up kids inside of their Halloween masks.
I was once a big detractor of this film, but have since in my later years found a fondness for Halloween III. Its not a perfect film, its fully flawed, but there’s a lot of good things to take away from it. As just a oddball random horror film that you play by the rules it sets, its pretty terrific. One thing, it looks terrific, as it was shot by Dean Cundey. There’s also one of the best John Carpenter scores of all time to accompany it. Oh, and Tom F***ing Atkins. The story is a little Invasion Of The Body Snatchers-esque movie. Continually going back to the film over time has made me flip on it and I really find it to be a lot of fun.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: Halloween III is pretty solid. Not as good a transfer as Halloween II from Scream Factory. Detail is good but could be a little better. Its quite good in closeups, but medium shots are a little more of a mixed bad. Overall, Halloween III has never looked this good and with its track record with audiences, doesn’t deserve to look this awesome, but it does!
Depth: Its a little on the flat side, but still pretty effective.
Black Levels: Black levels are rich and natural, always helping the image, never detracting.
Color Reproduction: Colors are solid and natural in appearance. Naturally vibrant colors pop, but everything is held a little in check.
Flesh Tones: Natural in appearance. Facial details are about on a medium level.
Noise/Artifacts: A light layer of grain and specs present throughout.

Audio Format(s): English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English
Dynamics: At best this is a solid presentation. It does the trick but doesn’t really go out of its way to completely wow. There’s a good variation in the sound, voice and score. The Silver Shamrock song though is represented quite well and is always the highlight for the listen.
Low Frequency Extension: N/A
Surround Sound Presentation: N/A
Dialogue Reproduction: Center heavy, but clean and crisp

Audio Commentary
- With Director Tommy Lee Wallace
- With Actor Tom Atkins
Stand Alone: The Making Of Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (HD, 33:09) – Everybody involved comes back to talk about this unfairly overlooked entry in the series and the cult following its had.
Horror’s Hallowed Grounds (HD, 19:44) – Sean Clark revisits the shooting locations of Season Of The Witch.
Still Gallery – 43 promotional images, lobby cards and posters.
TV Spots (HD, 1:35) – 3 spots
Trailer (HD, 2:44) – 2 trailers, actually
Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers (1988)
10 years after the fateful night of the original Halloween, Michael Myers coma’d body is being transferred to a new institution. He awakes and makes his way back to Haddonfield which is home to his niece Jamie, daughter of the late Laurie Strode. Dr. Loomis tries to beat Michael to Haddonfield and protect Jamie. But is anyone safe from Michael’s return home?
Halloween 4 is one of my favorite sequels and just a generally fun 80s slasher through and through. You have to give the movie the conceit of its setup, but after that its full of wonderful horror action and suspense sequences. Its a relatively safely directed picture, but its one that does excel on delivering the basics. Its got a chase through a house that results in a rooftop sequence that is of the best in the series.
Part of the help in creating that suspense is some likable lead characters and the addition of Danielle Harris to the cast. Jamie Lloyd brings a different kind of vulnerability to final girl, and Danielle is so good and adorable you don’t want anything bad to happen to her or Rachel. Ellie Cornell and Danielle Harris feature some incredibly strong chemistry that helps to carry and sell the suspense. This film is kind of a product of the 80s, but I think it still is effective. Even if its not very much scary any more there’s still a fun sense of adventure that works for it.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Clarity/Detail: Halloween 4 features a “good enough to get by” transfer in Anchor Bay’s original release. The image is kind of drab and doesn’t really excel at much of anything. Don’t get me wrong, its much better than any DVD of the film, but its besting is noticeable at best when it should have been light years.
Depth: A rather flat image, aside from a few scenes in the daytime.
Black Levels: Blacks are rich and feature minimal crushing.
Color Reproduction: Colors are a bit muted. Oranges look nice and natural. Nothing really gets vibrant or pops but look accurate.
Flesh Tones: Natural for the most part with some pink/reddish moments.
Noise/Artifacts: A light layer of grain and some specs occasionally.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 TrueHD
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Dynamics: Like the video track, this is just getting by as well. There’s some good moments, but they are few and far between. Effects, music and voice feature a nice saturation, but none of them prove to be much of anything remarkable aside from the theme song.
Low Frequency Extension: Light accompaniment on effects and some good beats in the score.
Surround Sound Presentation: Some really cool ambiance early in the film with the asylum. Mostly used for muted scoring and ambient environment sounds.
Dialogue Reproduction: Clean and clear.

Audio Commentary
- Director Dwight Little With Justin Beahm
- Danielle Harris and Ellie Cornell
Halloween 4/5 Discussion Panel (SD, 18:28) – Members of the film discuss and answer questions during the Halloween H25 convention panel.
Theatrical Trailer (SD, 1:36)
Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers (1989)
One year after he was thought dead, Michael Myers returns to Haddonfield to try and get to his niece Jamie once again. Jamie is now in a children’s institution after attacking her stepmother on Halloween night the previous year. Jamie also know has some sort of psychic link to her uncle Michael. Dr. Loomis, now treating Jamie, believes Michael to have returned as well. Michael is not the only strange figure in Haddonfield. A strange “Man In Black” roams the streets of Haddonfield, a few steps behind Michael at every stop.
Halloween 5 was rushed into production after 4’s success and thus wasn’t too well thought out. It also had an eccentric director that seemed to be on a different page than anyone else. What results is a sort of generic slasher film that is better than most. There is a vision to this madness, as there are some excellent suspense scenes in this movie that are really top notch. Its just the characters in this movie are extremely subpar aside from Jamie and Loomis. And the film seems to not have an idea what its really doing and is pretty much begging the next film to try and make sense of it. Oh, and geezum, that mask is bad.
At one time this was easily the weakest of the Halloween bunch. Its in no way a very good film, but its a watchable and sort of pleasing experience in a laid back easy way. Its a gigantic step down in quality from the first four films, but still is a comforting watch. Every time you watch Halloween 4, you kind of HAVE to watch Halloween 5. They really sort of go together really well despite the drastic difference in quality. The one thing Halloween 5 does to best, is that it has the best poster of the entire series.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Clarity/Detail: Halloween 5 isnj’t much of a step up from 4, but its still rather an eye opening presentation as this film has never looked so good. Its a crisper sharper image. The dark scenes are a bit of a mixed bag, but the daytime scenes actually look quite gorgeous. Detail is at an above average level.
Depth: A little step up from 4, but still pretty flat in darker scenes.
Black Levels: Inconsistent. Sometimes rich a bit crushy, at other times a little to brightened up.
Color Reproduction: Colors look rather natural and appear nice and bold
Flesh Tones: Similar to 4, some pink spots occur here and there.
Noise/Artifacts: Rather clean for a film of its age.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 Dolby TrueHD
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Dynamics: The opening titles sound terrific. This is a nice full sounding track that will slash you up some fresh scares and guts. A nice variance between effect, voice and music is on display here. There is also a nice sense of place as well.
Low Frequency Extension: Some extra ‘oompf’ during conflicts/stabbings. Crashing, guns and explosions get the subwoofer some use.
Surround Sound Presentation: Mainly score and ambient noise.
Dialogue Reproduction: Crisp and clean.

Audio Commentary
- Michael Myers Actor Don Shanks and Justin Beahm
- Director Dominique Othenin-Girad and Actors Danielle Harris and Jeffrey Landman
Halloween 5: On The Set (SD, 16:16) – Behind the scenes footage and on-set interviews
Halloween 5: Original Promo (SD, 5:50) – A promo video featuring behind the scenes footage and interviews
Theatrical Trailer (SD, :36)
Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers (1995)
Jamie Lloyd and her uncle Michael Myers disappeared without a trace 6 years ago. Now, Jamie has resurfaced, murdered and some believe Michael is back as well. Jamie has had a baby, discovered by Tommy Doyle who is living across the street from the old Myers home. The old Myers home, now being lived in by Laurie Strode’s uncle and family. The family which includes young Danny who is having visions of the Man In Black instructing him to kill for him. Something crazy is going on and about to happen as Michael turns up and we learn the origins of his evil.
Halloween 6 is most notable for having a big set of production reshoots, resulting in a fairly confusing and underwhelming film. Its legacy in popularity lies with the highly sought after Producer’s Cut of the film (available in the Deluxe Edition set) which floated around in crummy VHS bootleg form for the last 19 years. This version of the film goes for a much more generic horror and more practical less mythical take on the story and its conclusion. The violence is amped up a little and the ending more traditional.
This really is sort of the first big studio budgeted fan film. If you look at all the ties, and all the “make everything count” aspects it totally is. If you’re a big fan of the series, the first time you watch the film you can really appreciate that sort of “reward” for knowing all this stuff, but after time it becomes pretty silly and incredibly myopic in its universe building. There are some good takeaways from the film, including its look being very fall like and having a pleasing horror aesthetic. But as a finished product its a pretty big mess and it unravels with each additional view. I prefer the producer’s cut so much that every time I watch this one it feels pretty foreign to me. For Brother Kane fans though, this is the real deal version.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Clarity/Detail: This is a decent transfer and little step up from the previous Echo Bridge release. Halloween 6 looks pretty good with some solid detail represented. Many of the surface textures are noticeable and detail can be made out with some ease.
Depth: Decent. There are some moments appearing flat, but overall its about average.
Black Levels: Blacks are a little too dark and hide some detail with crushing present in some really nonlit moments.
Color Reproduction: Colors are average and appear very natural.
Flesh Tones: Warm and consistent.
Noise/Artifacts: Some specs and a light layer of grain throughout.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English
Dynamics: A pretty solid audio track that leaves one with a decent experience. Crashes and such sound terrific. And the ugly electric guitar score is well represented.
Low Frequency Extension: Some nice accompaniment on the flashes, action sequences and jump scares.
Surround Sound Presentation: Ambiance and score is pretty much the limits of the rear speakers. There’s some good volume and placement in the front three speakers.
Dialogue Reproduction: Crisp and clean

Theatrical Trailers (HD, 3:04) – 3 trailers
TV Spots (HD, 3:31) – 8 TV Spots, including the “And Fools Shine On” one, Brother Kane fans!
Still Gallery – 89 images ranging from promo shots, behind the scenes, poloroids, effects dummies, posters and more.
Halloween: H20 (1998) 

Ignoring the previous 3 sequels, Halloween: H20 is the direct follow up to Halloween II (1981). Laurie Strode has faked her death and is now head mistress at a private school in northern California. Going by the name Keri Tate, she struggles with alcoholism and is having trouble being a single mother raising her son John who is turning 18. Its also been exactly 20 years since that fateful Halloween night that haunts Laurie still. Michael Myers is also still haunting, as he returns after that hiatus, to come after Laurie one more time.
H2o was a breath of needed fresh air back in 1998 for the franchise after 2 sequels that kept digging the deepest hole. The series was headed straight to video had this not happened. Jamie Lee Curtis returned and with her brought the series back into relevancy. It fit in with the Scream-era slasher mold made popular then, but was the sort of returning the favor type thing since Scream brought Halloween back into the conversation again.
I am still a fan of this film even if it doesn’t hold up as well as it used to. It has a killer open and a fantastic climax, but somewhere in the middle is where its a tad soft. The filmmakers had all respect for the original and it shows. They try and recreate those stalking moments and feel, but seem to just be kind of trying to recreate rather then know what is is that made it work. H20 isn’t really too scary per se, but it fits that sort of “fun” slasher vibe which is all the more enjoyable in itself.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.34:1
Clarity/Detail: Well well, America finally has this movie in the correct aspect ratio. The old one was open matte and all the framing was off. Not to mention its transfer was honestly a “worst of all time” candidate. No joke. This is a massive improvement over that, but the film still doesn’t look incredible by any means. It looks good, it just I don’t think its sourcing is every going to wow on any format. The image is naturally soft. There are some shining moments of greatness here, but for the most part average is amazing compared to previous renditions.
Depth: Rather on the flatter side of average.
Black Levels: Blacks get a little too deep and hide detail, bringing about some crushing.
Color Reproduction: Colors are somewhat held in check for a sort of cooler fall/natural look
Flesh Tones: Consistent and a little warm.
Noise/Artifacts: Nice layer of grain that enhances the filmic look and texture.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English
Dynamics: This is a very lively track and the best H20 has ever sounded. Balance between sound, voice, effects is at a great level. The scares are really carved up here as it all sounds natural and creates and great horror film environment for the viewer.
Low Frequency Extension: Enhances jump scares and action sequences. The pistol also gets beefed up.
Surround Sound Presentation: Mainly for ambiance. There is also some fantastic right and left interplay.
Dialogue Reproduction: Crisp, clear and prioritized appropriately according to onscreen conversation.

Audio Commentary
- With Director Steve Minor And Jamie Lee Curtis – Brand new for this release
Blood Is Thicker Than Water: The Making Of Halloween: H20 (HD, 58:44) – A retrospective documentary, oddly split into two parts that play back to back. Jamie Lee Curtis, Josh Hartnett, Jodi Lynn O’Keefe and much of the cast and crew (not Steve Miner obviously) return to discuss all the aspects of production and stuff fans have been speculating on for years.
Scenes With John Ottman’s Original Score (HD, 24:03) – 6 scenes with no dialogue or sound, set to John Ottman’s original discarded score.
Vintage Interviews And Behind The Scenes Footage (HD, 45:36) – EPK interviews and a lot of behind the scenes footage.
Theatrical Trailer (HD, 1:57)
Still Gallery – Promo photos, behind the scenes photos and posters.
Halloween: Resurrection (2002) 

Sorry folks, but I vowed that I wouldn’t write about this film again. If you want my thoughts, click HERE.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: This is a brighter vibrant image, but is riddled with its share of troubles. I think a casual viewer may give this a more recommendable look as at a quick glance it boasts a pretty picture. However, detail is headscatchingly light and some scenes are overly vibrant while some dark scenes don’t bode to well.
Depth: Above average. Some solid moments in the house give a good sense of foreground characters feeling separate from their environment.
Black Levels: Crushing and macroblocking present.
Color Reproduction: Colors are vibrant and pop when applicable. Prettier looking daytime scenes.
Flesh Tones: A bit too bright and just average facial detail.
Noise/Artifacts: Noticeable edge enhancement and halo’ing.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English
Dynamics: A pretty solidly designed 5.1 track, that definitely wants to be a character in this film. It does well in building an eeriness and attack through all channels.
Low Frequency Extension: Some enhancements on jump scares and action sequences.
Surround Sound Presentation: Seldom used, but they are moments where they do far more than just ambiance or score.
Dialogue Reproduction: Crisp, clean and unfortunately audible.

Audio Commentary
- Director Rick Rosenthal and Editor Robert A Ferretti
Alternate Endings – With Optional Commentary (HD, 3:16)
Deleted Scenes – With Optional Commentary (HD, 7:32)
Web Cam Special – With Optional Commentary (HD, 41:19) – The film as seen through the individual characters head cams and the ones set up in the house. A found footage version of the film, if you will.
Featurette: Head Cam (HD, 4:12) – A featurette on the found footage shooting.
Storyboard Analysis (HD, 3:51) – Storyboard to finished product side by side comparison.
Set Tour With Production Designer Troy Hansen (HD, 6:53)
Set Interview With Jamie Lee Curtis (HD, 4:05)
Vintage Interviews And Behind-The-Scenes Footage (HD, 36:37)
Theatrical Trailer (HD, 2:19)
Home Video TV Spots (HD, :47) – Dunno why its plural, there’s only one.
Still Gallery – 52 promotional stills.
Halloween, A Rob Zombie Film – Unrated Director’s Cut (2007) 

In 2007, the decision was made to ride the remake train and give Michael Myers redo and makeover. Unlike a lot of the horror remakes, a director with a name and some notoriety within the genre was chosen to helm. Rob Zombie put a lot of his touch into his vision of Halloween. He chose to focus hard on the early years of Michael Myers and more of his doctor/patient relationship with Dr. Loomis. A little over halfway through, the film turns into a pretty much straightforward remake of the original film, albeit a more brutal one.
If you were merely a horror fan or Halloween fan and not familiar with the work of Zombie going into this film, its an extremely polarizing retread through the original classic. Love it or hate it, the film’s title clearly states that this is Zombie’s vision and not Carpenter’s. On that wavelength, the movie is a bit of an effective piece of disturbing horror , albeit it still a trouble unbalanced film. Its one that feels like Zombie only got to make half the film he was looking to make.
Personally, I hated this movie when it first came out. Over the years though, I’ve lightened to it. There are plenty of good takeaways from the film, including its gorgeous cinematography. I’ve been able to see it as its own thing and not a direct comparison to the original. I also don’t think people realize what a massive step up this film was from where the franchise was before this. Someone once posted on Zombie’s Facebook page that he destroyed the Halloween franchise and his films were just terrible. He responded with “You’re right. The good ‘ol days” and a picture of the Halloween: Resurrection poster.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: This is a gorgeous heavily detailed picture full of haunts and that fall season feeling. Detail is really high, take Michael’s mask for instance when he returns home. Also, the shot in the sanitarium with the wall of his masks is awesome and readily detailed too. Clarity is sharp as well in this lifelike image.
Depth: There are some sidewalk scenes that promote some really great depth, as well as when the woods when young Michael takes his first victim. Sure, Sheri Moon’s dancing scene provides some added dimensional enjoyment as well 😉
Black Levels: This is a really dark film. Blacks are rich, well shaded and help to define the image.
Color Reproduction: Colors are rich, bold and natural. A lot of things a toned down to keep that fall look intact.
Flesh Tones: Cool and consistent.
Noise/Artifacts: Clean

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, English 5.1 Dolby Digital
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Dynamics: This is a really really angry track. The 5.1 TrueHD track makes sure you are having an experience. Zombie’s remake promotes a loud and boisterous track that is meant to jolt you and get under your skin.
Low Frequency Extension: The score, sounds within the mix, Michael’s attacks and gunfire all rock your subwoofer.
Surround Sound Presentation: Some solid action from the rear speakers during some action sequences and the “sounds” in the score.
Dialogue Reproduction: Loud, crisp and clear.

Audio Commentary
- With Writer/Director Rob Zombie
Deleted Scenes – With Optional Commentary (SD, 22:19)
Alternate Ending – With Optional Commentary (SD, 3:45)
Bloopers (SD, 10:18)
The Many Masks Of Michael Myers (SD, 6:26) – Examines all the masks worn and seen in the film.
Re-Imagining Halloween – A three part sort of making-of that take us through the inspirations and look of the film.
- From Camera To Screen (SD, 6:18)
- The Production Design (SD, 5:34)
- The Makeup, FX, Props and Wardrobe (SD, 7:18)
Meet The Cast (SD, 18:16)
Casting Sessions (SD, 29:52)
Scout Taylor-Compton Screen Test – Laurie Strode (SD, 7:47)
Halloween II, A Rob Zombie Film – Unrated Director’s Cut (2009) 

Halloween II takes place a few years after the attack on Haddonfield. Laurie, Annie and Sheriff Brackett are all struggling to cope with getting their lives together after the horrific events of that night. Dr. Loomis has checked his credentials at the door to claim some fame off of the whole ordeal and is returning to Haddonfield a smug asshole. Michael has been roaming the countryside, having disappeared after that night. He returns to Haddonfield to try and complete what he has started.
Halloween II may be the most misunderstood entry in the entire series. Its much more a full on Rob Zombie film this time around too. He gets to take this world and fully make it is his own. The result, a weird art-house like slasher film that focuses on the different and tragic ways PTSD can affect the lives of all ages. Its still got some issues and that Rob Zombie filthy rednecks quota has to be met, but this is the most creative and ambitious film in the franchise since John Carpenter’s original.
This director’s cut is a film I’ve come to find myself loving and studying. From its fantastic 16mm photography, to the whacky ass dream sequences, its a terrific piece of art and a film that transcends the slasher film into something different. I understand that those who want their film and characters to do the exact same thing over and over, not open to change or a different avenue are turned off by this film, but I’m someone who likes to venture down those new avenues. And Zombie has really done quite a damn good job with crafting his own followup story here. I know I’m in a minority on my view on this film and you’re either gonna get it or you’re not. But, its tiresome to see arguments with zero weight in them in its detractors.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Clarity/Detail: Due to the nature of how this film was shot, its never going to look like The Avengers in high definition. This Blu-ray, to me, an appreciator of such thing, is detailed enough and wonderfully displays the excellent cinematography on the film. Of course the more well lit scenes look good, but there’s an artsy quality to some of the messier looking night scenes that garners my appreciation of this softer looking picture.
Depth: A little bit of a flatter image, but on the above average side.
Black Levels: Blacks are rich and do mask many of the film’s details.
Color Reproduction: Colors are very muted and fall-like, even in well lit daytime sequences.
Flesh Tones: Cool and consistent. Light, but above average on detail.
Noise/Artifacts: Heavy grain is present, providing a rougher appearance. As I said, I have an appreciation for this image that many people will not.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English, English SDH
Dynamics: Halloween II boasts an explosive and involving track. This is loud and really puts the viewer right in the middle of all the action or murders. There’s a nice set to the volume when it comes to jarring sounds that really help to have them push the envelope.
Low Frequency Extension: Octavia Spencer’s death in the open goes like a big WHAM, as well as many of the effects and jolt sounds Zombie has put in the mix. It makes the already disturbing deaths a little more disconcerting with the amping of your subwoofer.
Surround Sound Presentation: Plenty of eerie ambiance and scoring from the rear speakers and great right and left action in the front.
Dialogue Reproduction: Crisp, clean and clear.

Audio Commentary
- With Writer/Director Rob Zombie
Deleted And Alternate Scenes (HD, 25:14)
Blooper Reel (HD, 4:26)
Audition Footage (HD, 9:37) – Chase Wright Vanek, Angela Trimbur, Jeffrey Daniel Phillips, Chris Hardwick, Mary Birdsong, Richard Blake, Octavia Spencer
Make-Up Test Footage (HD, 3:35) – Michael-Interior, Michael-Exterior, Deborah Myers
Uncle Seymour Coffins’ Stand-Up Routines (HD, 8:40)
Captain Clegg & The Night Creatures (HD, 19:11) – 6 music videos from the band featured in the film.
Not entirely sure if this booklet comes with this edition, but it was sent with the review copy.

Is there any reason you should choose this set over the Deluxe Limited Edition? In my eyes, absolutely not. But, for someone who package and in depth extras on the film isn’t important too and you just truly want the films in the franchise, then I suppose this is for you. This isn’t light on the extras by any means, but its missing a lot of the NEW extras for these boxed sets. You do get the new version of H20 with all the bonus which is one of the reasons to pick up these new sets and double or triple dip on the film. This isn’t a bad set by any means, but its pretty much outdone by its Limited Edition counterpart.
One word. Wow! I guess you can go to sleep now. Kind of was surprised to the see lower score than I imagined on Zombie’s first take. I absolutely love it. I do have two major problems with the Unrated cut. Can I tell you?
Well since you asked I’ll tell you…while I hate Myers breaking chains in Zombie’s theatrical cut I much prefer the carnage that goes down as opposed to the rape scene 🙁 in the unrated.
In both cuts I HATE that Loomis’ eyes are pushed in and bleeding and then a beat later he appears untouched. BOO!
Other than that I LOVE the Zombie take and my film score would have at least been a 4. Just saying 🙂
I think the Theatrical Cut is a little better, too. I think his first one isn’t quite all the way there and has plenty of issues, but is still a solid film. Its a balancing act that doesn’t quite work and I think some of the important characters get left in the dust a little bit. However, his character work in the 2nd film totally redeems this.
I got the Limited Edition set after accidentally almost buying this one, not knowing there were two sets released.
Which one sin particular are you referring to? “I think some of the important characters get left in the dust a little bit.”
I’m referring to the characters in the 2nd half of the film…Laurie, Annie, Linda. Underdeveloped and banking on prior knowledge of them to help carry to the end.