
‘I Hate Fairyland’ a Comedically Violent Romp

Artist/Writer Scottie Young (Human Torch, New X-Men) has created something uniquely appealing with his new series I Hate Fairyland. This time, other than the book’s cover, Young steps back from artistic duties and works primarily as the series’ writer. With a title like that, you’re probably asking what this series is about, especially if you did not catch its prior inception.  It centers around main character Gertrude, who was trapped in Fairyland as a child, grew up there, became disenchanted there, and split a lot of heads there…literally. What can I say? She carries a big axe.

We join Gertrude, or Gert as she is affectionately known, in her adult life as she is now back in the real world and hating every second of it.  She can’t seem to get out of her own way, which is evident in light of her job-hopping and lacking skillset.  Visually, the pages in I Hate Fairyland are so gorgeous that I don’t know who succeeds more, Brett Bean with his artwork or Jean-Francois Beaulieu with the incredible palette he uses in the coloring.

As for the story, the hits comes heavy and often in this first issue.  Be warned, if exaggerated violence is not your thing, this series won’t be either.  There is definitely some Wile E. Coyote anvil-falling-from-the-sky type of brutal goodness taking place here, and even then to the next level.  And just like the Roadrunner adversary, Gert picks herself up and keeps chugging along to the next panel.

By the end of this premier issue, it becomes evident Gert is headed back to Fairyland for another axe-swinging romp.  Personally, I wasn’t won over by the story, yet the art and coloring is simply eye-popping at the very least.  This tale won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and it’s definitely not one for young readers.  Still, I Hate Fairyland is worth a glimpse if you’ve made it this far in the article.  The series proceeds with its second issue on December 21st.

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