Interstellar (Blu-ray Review)
When a film gets hailed as “the most exhilarating film this century,” director Christopher Nolan’s “must-see masterpiece” (New York Post) you just gotta see it right? Of course you do! You want some more proof of why you should see Interstellar? It has been named one of the Top Ten movies of 2014 by Rolling Stone, Esquire, the New York Post and more, and had received five Academy Award nominations including Best Visual Effects, Best Production Design, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing and Best Original Score. Better yet, I’m pretty sure the movie was Ace Frehley’s inspiration for the song “Rocket Ride” back in 1977 on KISS’ Alive II album. What do you want to bet that “they” told Ace to write that track? Sounds silly huh? However, it could be true. Who’s to say that it isn’t? That’s the kind of bat craziness I’m talking about here and this is what Interstellar is all about!

Interstellar, may not be the “prefect” film in the eyes of the critics, but lucky for me, with each and every subsequent viewing I partake in, the film just grows on me like untreated mold in a shower or unfortunately cancer. Although my score does not reflect the not-so perfect nature of the film, rest assured, I had to strap on a pair of Gene Simons sized balls to change for the third time now so that it’s P-E-R-F-E-C-T to me. I can already tell that even though I have five viewings of this feature under my belt, I have not even begun to scratch the surface as to how many times I’ll ingest this one on the Blu-ray format this year. Every time I watch Interstellar I see something new and like Mikey to Life cereal, I like it! So let’s begin this very long trek of going over what the film is all about and most importantly why you’re all here, the review of the Blu-ray set itself.
About four months ago I went on record by saying there was never a question as to whether or not I was going to see Interstellar theatrically. On that same thought, there was also never even a question as to whether my first time checking it out would be in IMAX either. The only question I had unanswered was how early I would be able to partake in a screening of it before the general public. You see, when it comes to the 44-year old director Christopher Nolan, in my opinion he’s earned the right to make a mistake or two and I’ll stand by the man, support him and walk in blindly to whatever his name is attached to no matter what, just like I did for Man of Steel last year.
In my opinion, ever since 2000’s Memento the guy has been on a non-stop roll in the “success” category within the world of motion pictures. Simply put, he makes the movies that I generally want to see. I also love the fact that he’s anti-technology when it comes to email and smart phones and is just all business. I applaud that. I wish I could adopt his philosophies and stances in my life, but I digress because they’re required for all my jobs. So I guess you can say Interstellar really had me at hello all this time before I even stepped one foot into the Austin, TX science center IMAX theater months ago. All it had to have was Christopher Nolan’s name on the bill and in any universe that’s good enough for me.
Other than the ambitious science fiction interests here, the main draw of Interstellar has to be the cast to many. Let’s face it, like Nolan’s career, the upward trajectory of Matthew McConaughey’s is a force not to be reckoned with. You couple that casting choice with the likes of Anne Hathaway, the fiery (no pun intended) Jessica Chastain and everyone’s trustworthy butler, Michael Caine, and you literally have a cast that’s simply put,“out of this world.” And those names are just the icing on the cake. There are plenty of other stars at play here once you strip the layers away. However, my lips are sealed. In case there’s anybody reading this that hasn’t seen this one yet, I’m not spoiling anything for you in that regards (although I badly want to because the one big one feels like I’ve seen the same character played by them before).
If you know anything about this film, then you probably already know at least something about its lengthy production history and how it’s been in development for quite some time, even in the very capable hands of Spielberg, and also formerly written by Jonathan Nolan (at least three drafts of it if memory serves me correct), but I digress. In addition to any production woes and distribution rights/agreements worked out amongst the studios, there’s also the scientific aspect of it all too. What’s plausible within this feature? Is any of this even remotely possible or comprehensible? That’s a whole other can of worms to open here in my opinion, but it’s also quite fascinating and thought provoking to me so we’ll get to all that in a moment here. However, I’m bored of all the Kubrick comparisons (2001: A Space Odyssey). Can we please focus on the motion picture at hand here? Let’s talk briefly about the plot, or how things go down, and of course what works and also what may not.
Rest assured this isn’t going to be easy for me, but I’m going to try to be as brutally honest and as objective as I can throughout here. Interstellar isn’t Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight Rises, admittedly had some serious flaws, but I loved it so because after all it was still Batman in the “semi-real” world. I was even able to overlook the lunacy and limiting factors in Inception. And truth be told, I thought I was going to have my cake and eat it too with Interstellar because it’s the best of both worlds in my opinion, science fiction and Christopher Nolan, but there are some issues and shortcomings to grapple with here too. Do I bat a blind eye and turn my cheek like I did with the prior two Nolan films I just mentioned? Nah! I don’t think so! I hope you’ll somewhat agree with my way of thinking. That’s all I can really ask for here is for you to have an open-mind, not closed like mine was unfortunately the first time I saw Interstellar.
The story of Interstellar has to do with the same old subject worn over and over in the world of science fiction, the doom and gloom of our planet. Our planet is having problems and unless mankind does something about it people are going to starve and as they say eventually suffocate from all the dust (shown by the blight conditions in the film). Whether that’s reality or not remains to be seen, but let’s face the scientific facts of it all. The Earth as we know it does have a finite life. It may be a billion years away from now, but make no doubt about it, the sun will eventually wreak havoc on our favorite planet and life as we know it, well…may come to a crispy end.
So I guess you can say the prologue of the story here lasts about 45 minutes before we even blast off into space with Matt’s character, Cooper, who has been chosen to lead a mission to “save” the world. How and why was he chosen? That’s a great question to ask, but that also means there are such things as a dumb question. They do exist, but whatever. In my opinion, some additional work could have been done with these 45 minutes to make the terrestrial part of this tale even more developed, but ultimately even after a fifth viewing now I just can’t wait to blast off into space. Yes, it would have been nice to have just a little more backstory to Cooper before leaving this world or even see his character initially resist the offer to commander the mission, but in the end, it is what it is and I’m happy with what I have because it’s the emotions that transcend this piece.
While Interstellar is definitely a human experience and quite an emotional tale at times, I agree with some that say it stumbles occasionally to counterbalance those sentiments with the whole wannabe “real” science aspect of it all coupled with four and five dimensional what-ifs. Things do get bloated and can be quite heavy here for one’s personal tastes. Honestly, I think that’s why it took a couple more viewings for me to truly bask in the awesomeness that Interstellar can be if you let it in and not dismiss it simply because you didn’t understand it the first time. It does carry a bit of M. Night Shyamalan story-like qualities to it rather than a straightforward Nolan one, and those sentiments alone most likely represent why it was probably for the best that things did not work out well with Spielberg’s initial attachment here. This doesn’t feel like a Spielberg movie. I don’t think Spielberg would ever let the science overshadow the story and most importantly, the characters, but I’ll exercise my right to digress again because I actually do want to get to all the geeky scientific stuff in this review too.
Having written screenplays before, and being a disciple of the art, I understand the need for conflict within. With that being said, conflict should feel organic and never forced. I do still feel some of the conflict is shoehorned in here at times, but like you I’m just along for this awesome ride. However, I do agree also with the many conversations I had about this film with my Hollywood producer over what makes a good story and how he feels the science we are assumed to know here sometimes squashes the art of telling an effective story the audience will love. It seems that just when you start to fall for the emotional ploys in the film you get hit so hard over the head with the science of the film that it leaves you feeling a tad empty, not because it’s boring, but because you really need to understand those scientific “facts” if you’re going to fully enjoy this one as much as humanly possible. There are a few moments where Nolan quickly discusses the “facts” behind the theories, but most of them are just shoved in our faces and if it interests you, it’s up to you to do your homework later and look up all the relativity theories here. Lucky for me, I’m very much interested!
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m fascinated beyond my wildest imagination about some of the topics and theories covered in this presentation, but I do strongly feel the lay people seeing this for the spectacle alone may get bogged down in it and adversely not care for it as much as they probably would have if they completely understood it all. This problem is probably why Gravity was so appealing to the masses. Yes, it was a big, giant spectacle, but you went along for the ride and it was a story of survival not weighted down by trying to be scientifically accurate and shoving theories in your face that are assumed you already know just like Anne’s character laughingly does to Matt’s when he clearly shows concern over the time slippages as they relate to him and how fast it’s moving for his family back on Earth. However, I applaud Nolan here because he sought out to make something big, bold and ambitious and by golly he succeeded, but there is one man’s name shrouded in the shadows here that needs to be thrusted into the spotlight and rightfully recognized for the credit he deserves.
The man I’m referring to is a theoretical physicist by the name of Kip Thorne. If you’re a fan of Interstellarand you haven’t done so already, you owe it to yourself to check out his book The Science of Interstellar. For your convenience I put a link to it here. In the book he talks up the universe of Interstellar, the wormhole, the black holes, the fifth dimension and so much more that will blow your mind. It’s like the physics class I never had in high school. But what’s even more interesting to me than that, if you’re a fan of filmmaking and of course the movie Interstellar, you’ll get exclusive insight into the making of the movie, the effects, how it all came about and of course one-hundred and one reasons why Kip Thorne is the man of the hour here (or should I say three hours). It was after my second viewing of Interstellar with my girlfriend, when my curiosity started to reach its all-time peak as I questioned all the onscreen events, that I picked up a copy of this book and I couldn’t put it down. Sure the science and the fact that this film is all grounded in it is simply amazing, but it’s the filmmaker in me just geeking out over how Kip not only interacted with the Nolan brothers throughout the whole process, but also with the cast and crew too. Now I worship the ground he walks on too!
So let’s talk about the performances here for a bit. The performances here in my opinion are what keep this movie grounded, and since I know it’s ironic because we are talking about a space movie I just want to clarify it that I mean it in a good way. The brilliant acting and emotional arcs are what keep me invested in this tale and like a hungry hippo I nutritiously feed off the tears the actors shed onscreen. Make no mistake, Matthew McConaughey (all is forgiven for those Lincoln commercials) is at the top of his game here. If he was the only actor in this film for 2+ hours I would sit idly by and bask in his radiant brilliance. Equally impressive was Anne Hathaway (with the exception of some bad dialogue given here or there and of course that haircut) and even Michael Caine when he’s allowed to shine and steal the spotlight. While nothing can be said negative about the top billing of Jessica Chastain, she just wasn’t given enough to work with here in my opinion. And when doesn’t John Lithgow excel in anything he’s in as of late? I really wish I could go into so much more detail and discuss all the other names hidden from the movie poster here, but alas I cannot. To do so would be to spoil it for you and that’s not my intention at all. I really do want you to see Interstellar.
So last but not least I want to talk about the ending of Interstellar, spoiler-free of course. If you’ve seen it already, what did you think of it? Did the scientific twists mess things up for you? Did you find the ending way too convenient like it was in Mud for me (let it be known that I do like Mud)? Did the ending really happen as shown onscreen? Ah, there’s one for you to think about and chew on, huh?
I guess what I wanted to know was while we were gone in space, did things just stay status quo on Earth? They seemed pretty dire at first like if we don’t do something soon, this new generation will be the last. However, without going into spoilers again, a lot of time was spent in outer space as it relates to the number of Earth years that pass by. They come back to Earth throughout the film, but I never really felt the “gravity” of the situation besides a few dust storms here and there and of course some coughs. So even with all my nitpicking here and above I DO want you to check Interstellar out on Blu-ray, especially if you’ve never seen it yet. And I really hope you enjoy this one because after four viewings now I certainly still am. Three hours goes by so fast here for me. So what do you say? Why not take the rocket ride and blast off!!

I could stop right here and say this is one of the best Blu-ray discs I have ever spun in my Blu-ray player since their “inception” in 2006, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I simply just said that. Instead I need to prove it to me. So if you will allow me a few minutes of your time, let’s talk about Paramount’s stellar video presentation here, but be warned, I am going to nitpick.
- Encoding: AVC MPEG-4
- Resolution: 1080p
- Aspect Ratio: Interstellar features a blended widescreen aspect ratio at 2.39:1 and an IMAX Blu-ray full-frame one at 1.78:1 just like Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises and The Dark Knight Blu-ray releases did. You would think this would be fairly noticeable and take you out of the game, but if you’re invested in the movie, chances are you will probably never even subconsciously notice unless you’re like me and you’re looking for them. I guess you could say when it blows up full screen it’s done so purposefully to propel the story forward and show you just how big and emotional the events unfolding onscreen really are by tying you in. I really can’t say enough good things about the IMAX footage. I’m a firm believer that the full-blown resolution really supports the narrative itself. I rest my case.
- Clarity/Detail: Detail is all abound here from the endless amounts of wrinkles, stubble, hair follicles and swirling dust particles to the gorgeously chiseled ice planet of Mann’s. Everything, and I do mean everything, is accounted for in the detail department. Look no further than the individual stitches in the astronauts’ uniforms to the quilt-like material that line the space vessels. You won’t hear me nitpick a bit about anything at all in this category except the following, but again, I’m not going to ding it for this. Oddly, in one of the farmhouse porch scenes shared between McConaughey and Lithgow the faces get a bit waxy for the brevity of the sequence.
- Depth: Since the backgrounds and foreground characters are so well defined, I guess you can say providing you that three-dimensional pop we all know and love on the Blu-ray format, you’d be a fool to believe the depth-of-field isn’t remarkable here either. Look no further than to the painstakingly detailed gravel roads in Calgary to the corn fields that seem to go on forever almost infinitely like the breathtaking views provided to us in outer space.
- Black Levels: The black levels are incredible deep, inky and gorgeous throughout in deep space, in the Ranger and even an early scene like when they pull up outside the secret NASA facility in the middle of the night. There was only one interior car scene I remember early on that the black levels were a little light, but understandably so, our onscreen characters were in the middle of escaping from a gigantic dust storm.
- Color Reproduction: The colors all had a very Earthy hue to them, keeping them ground. They were accurate, but not timid to the point where bright oranges and reds in the American flags really popped when they wanted to.
- Flesh Tones: The skin tones were are natural and authentic throughout. For some strange reason Matthew’s skin was a bit on the hot side, but I think unlike the others he must have spent the month prior in a tanning bed. That’s the only logical explanation. LOL.
- Noise/Artifacts: I was just about ready to dismiss this category and tell you everything is absolutely perfect throughout here in the way of there being no nasty distractions that would deter you away from enjoying this presentation, but alas, someone has proven me wrong. I must give credit where its deserved to Martin Liebman and his Blu-ray review of Interstellar over here at If I didn’t peek at his review, I know I would have overlooked this one. If you look at the time stamps between 29:25 and 29:31, you will notice a slight imperfection near the top left of the frame. Martin referred to this as a hair. Oh, and I did check this out, it is also in the Digital HD print version of the film too. If I did not spell it out here, I’m sure the lay Blu-ray viewer would never notice it, but rest assured it is there and real, however, not a major detractor, in my opinion from enjoying the remarkable views and scenery in this one. I think this is a case where the good throughout completely outweighs the bad here. Other than that minor nitpick, all you will find here is some very minimal grain throughout, but you have to love the fact that this puppy was shot on film.

This is the audio workout your surround sound system has been waiting for all year. Although it’s only a 5.1 lossless track, I’d be interested in seeing or should I say hearing if any other Blu-ray presentation this year comes close to packing a wallop like this one. I resisted the urge to turn this one down the entire time as I just wanted to experience the beautiful chaos like I was really one of the astronauts in the film. This track is intense, but don’t take my mere words of praise for it.
- Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby Digital,Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital, English Audio Description
- Subtitles: English, English SDH, French, Spanish
- Dynamics: I honestly don’t even know where to start here. Everything is so appropriately balanced and authentic throughout that I am at a loss for words (imagine that) to describe it all here. Every little swirl of dust and tiny beep on the instrument consoles are fully accounted for here.
- Low Frequency Extension: My 14-year old labrador retriever absolutely hated this surround track as it shook the living room and she was unable to lay in her favorite spots on the floor because the LFE subwoofer channel literally rocked the floor from under her. She spent the entire viewing uncomfortably on the couch with the other two little ones. She couldn’t wait for it to be over while at the same time I couldn’t wipe the sh1t eating grin from my face. Wow is this one ever aggressive! Here is a short list of my favorite LFE moments from the Blu-ray presentation of Interstellar: the Indian surveillance drone flying overhead, dust storms howling and rattling against windows and vehicles, blasting off in the space rocket, entering the wormhole, blackhole and planets’ atmosphere and most importantly the aggressive sounds with the interior of the spacecrafts as our onscreen characters evade one danger after another. The light on my subwoofer never turned red throughout the entire presentation.
- Surround Sound Presentation: Wow! Do I really even need to divulge my feelings about this category? The rears are alive throughout from various instances such as whipping wind, sirens and even that tension-filled docking scene. The Hans Zimmer score literally infects all facets of the presentation all around you. I could go on and on and list my favorite moments like I did up above, but I think you get the point I’m trying to drive home. You are literally engulfed in the middle of this one.
- Dialogue Reproduction: Martin Liebman talked about the difficulty in understanding some of the dialogue over in his Blu-ray review of Interstellar here. It’s true. There are a few scenes where Hans Zimmer’s score completely takes over and as a result impedes some of the onscreen spoken dialogue. However, after my fifth viewing, it just doesn’t bother me anymore because I know just about every spoken word and can read lips at this point. So for the majority of the film, other than these few scenes here or there, the dialogue is all loud, clear and intelligible. Whether you understand the scientific talk is whole other story. Read Kip Thorne’s highly recommended book if you more insight as to what it’s all about.

Interstellar comes to our favorite HD format in a three-disc Blu-ray Combo Pack with UltraViolet and a whopping three hours of in-depth, behind-the-scenes bonus content detailing the epic shoot, the scientific realities explored in the film, a look at creating the stunning visuals, plus an extended cut of “The Science of Interstellar” broadcast special and much more. I have to tell you the following, ladies and gentlemen. The three hours of extras contained here on the second Blu-ray disc, which we will talk about in much more detail down below, are simply out of this world AMAZING. I don’t even mind terribly that there’s no audio commentary included. For a limited time, the Blu-ray Combo Pack will also include an authentic, collectible Interstellar film cell from an original 70MM IMAX print of the film. Now if you will allow me the honors, as the legendary Space Ace used to sing, I want to take you on a “Rocket Ride” (a different context of the word though as opposed to the original KISS song) and show you around the second Blu-ray disc (the feature film is housed on the first Blu-ray) in Paramount’s Interstellar Blu-ray Combo Pack. 3…2…1…BLAST OFF!
- The Science of Interstellar (HD, 50:20) — If there was only one ring to rule them all in the Lord of the Rings saga, then this is the one doc to rule them all in the Interstellar universe. Here we have the extended cut of the broadcast special, which is narrated by Matthew McConaughey. We are treated to not only clips from the film, behind-the-scene stills and interviews, but also such deep dives into complex topics such as wormholes, time travel, black holes, Space-X, the future of our planet and even mention of Kepler 186F, which could be the next Earth despite it being 500 light years away. Of course none of these conversations here would be remotely possible without the inclusion of Kip Thorne, whom I discussed at length up above in the film section.
- Plotting an Interstellar Journey (HD, 7:49) — Nolan, Emma, Kip and Lynda discuss the film’s origins, influences and narrative designs, which are big and ambitious, but all deeply rooted in real science whenever possible.
- Life on Cooper’s Farm (HD, 9:43) —Here’s where we discuss bringing Americana and the grounded nature of a farm to a sci-fi space movie by exploring the beauty of the farmhouse built in Calgary and its importance as a main character in the story. It was also interesting to learn the challenges of growing corn near the mountains in Calgary and how they made their money back by selling all the corn once filming concluded there.
- The Dust (HD, 2:38) —Here we get to learn how the cast and crew avoided sand blindness, and see how they employed a product that was used to fill the air with dust to be seen on the big screen, and clean up after, a catastrophic dust storm.
- TARS and CASE (HD, 9:27) — Here we are witnesses to the designing and building of these unique characters and how they were brought to life on set and in the film using both puppetry (human performances behind them) and VFX that was employed. It was interesting to learn how they sought out to make the robots as human as possible without actually being human and functional as well.
- Cosmic Sounds (HD, 13:40) — As usual when it comes to the creative process of scoring, I just couldn’t get enough of this remarkable featurette. Here we get to explore the concepts, process and recording of Hans Zimmer’s unforgettable organ score. It was very interesting to learn how the score was initially developed when Nolan went to Hans and told him to write a song about a father/son relationship without mentioning any genre at all. The result ended up being the main theme of the film. Intriguing huh? Indeed! It was mind-blowing to see the organ used to create this score as well as how the orchestra and choir all came together in a church.
- The Space Suits (HD, 4:31) — Here we have a look at the design and build of the suits and helmets, and what it was like to wear those 30-35 pound monsters. It was cool to learn about the cooling shirts they wore underneath and the fact that they could employ the use of IMAX cameras in dialog heavy scenarios where it would normally not be feasible because there were microphones inside the headphones and the actors could hear direction within from Nolan too.
- The Endurance (HD, 9:24) — Here we explore this massive set with a guided tour by production designer Nathan Crowley. It should be noted that this was grounded in design by NASA technology. The circular shape was used to establish gravity for the traveling astronauts.
- Shooting in Iceland: Miller’s Planet/Mann’s Planet (HD, 12:42) — You always wanted to go to Iceland, no? Here you get an exclusive passport to travel with the cast and crew to Iceland and see the challenges they faced in creating two vastly different worlds (ice and water ones) in one country. Nolan was familiar with Iceland from his work there on Batman Begins. Iceland was key to achieving the Chris Nolan “real” feel. However, some of the problems they had to face and overcome include, but not limited to the following: heavy suits, cold water, having to pave roads, creating a 4,000 foot wave, winds up to 100 mph, etc.
- The Ranger and the Lander (HD, 12:20) — Here we get to take a look at the other two spaceships in the film, including but not limited to the designing, materials used and complexity of the instrument panels within.
- Miniatures in Space (HD, 5:29) — Here’s your chance to marvel at the large-scale models used in the explosive docking sequence and the required VFX shots. The filmmakers goal was simple. They want to make sure this film looked timeless and will stand up well to scrutiny in the future. They used motion control cinematography to shoot sequences involving the models.
- The Simulation of Zero-G (HD, 5:31) — Here’s an interesting look that allows you to discover the various methods that the filmmakers used to create a zero gravity environment. The filmmakers initially had a practice run with this years ago while filming Inception. The rope work required the utilization of four cables attached to the actor and of course it was up to them to prepare and condition their bodies for realistically faking zero gravity in front of the cameras.
- Celestial Landmarks (HD, 13:22) — This one kind of repeats a lot from the “Science of Interstellar” special feature above as we hear from Kip Thorne (re-used interview segments) and explore how the filmmakers used practical special effects informed by real scientific equations to give the illusion of real space travel for both the actors and the audience. I did very much enjoy learning about how all the multiple projectors were employed during the shoot to simulate the galaxy and reflections in the astronaut’s helmets.
- Across All Dimensions and Time (HD, 9:02) — Here’s a quick look at the concept and design of the Tesseract, which incorporated a practical set rather than a green screen. This one was interesting because it gives you a chance to semi-understand this complex moment in the film. I learned the Tesseract is a 3D shadow of a 4D cube. What does that really mean? I have no idea. LOL. It was explained in here as an array to display time as a spacial dimension and that it was one of the most difficult things to design in the film. There were also up to 15 projectors employed here at one time during this incredible Act 3 sequence. Unbelievable stuff here! Explain it all to me please!
- Final Thoughts (HD, 6:02) — In this final featurette the cast and crew reflect back on their Interstellar experience and what it all meant to them. They all hope the film can inspire youth to explore outer space once again. I hope so too!
- Theatrical Trailers (HD) — There are a total of 4 trailers found here: Teaser (1:52), Trailer 1 (2:34), Trailer 2 (2:35) and Trailer 3 (2:59).

In my opinion, five-star scores across the board don’t come around too often here so when they do, case in point being Interstellar today, I tend to take time to cherish the moment and gleefully smile on a job well done not only here within this review, but to the peeps at Paramount who made this all possible. I truly believe that in regards to the masses, Interstellar is not one of those films that you’re instantly going to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs over with your very first viewing, but rest assured if you were conflicted as I initially was, give it a week or two and go back to it. Take the time to revisit and kindle the flames again. Boldly explore the new worlds and the “real” science Nolan brilliantly puts at your fingertips here. Rejoice in the marvel that is Interstellar and know you’re getting reference quality from head-to-toe with this Blu-ray product. Jammed pack with over three hours of extras that will leave you hungry for more and an aggressive 5.1 lossless surround mix that will rip the paint right off your walls, cracking them in the process, Interstellar is the MUST-OWN Blu-ray release this year. Period. You’re welcome!
Take an Interstellar Journey on Blu-ray
March 31st!
Take a deeper look at the world of Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. Your guide to simplifying the science from the film and a preview of the bonus content you will find on the Blu-ray. See it all by clicking here!
I know you say you’re “bored” of the comparisons to 2001, but this movie sort of begs for the discussion in a very good way. Much like Solaris did back in 1972. Nolan has been a modern Kubrick too, so this wasn’t the first time he’s been compared to him, though this is the first time he’s done something more directly parallel to him. And the problem is, there just aren’t enough of these kind of sci-fi films made in the last 40 years to compare, so people are always going to go back to the biggest one and point when one does come out. When Sunshine came out in 2007 it raised the same comparisons (And also very niftily brought Silent Running back into the discussion as well). I will say I’m “bored” as well if that’s the only thing people want to discuss, but I think people have been talking about Interstellar’s own merits quite plentifully too.
This is a tremendous review, btw. Your coverage and analysis is outstanding; both on the film and the presentation.
Oh and I looked it up…according to modern times and the world we live in…a watch battery in constant use can last up to 4 years. But, movies are called movies not “realities” for a reason.
Thanks Brandon! I get your point about Kubrick. I did not mean to complain too much. And yes I agree, there are not enough films like this at all 🙁
Thanks for your words of praise! I tried to go all out on this one! It’s hard not to when you’re passionate about something.
Haha! Thanks for your research on the watch battery. Movie magic!