Jeepers Creepers 2 – Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray Review)
On June 14, 2016, Scream Factory presents the definitive home video release of the sequel of one of the scariest modern-classic horror films ever made, Jeepers Creepers 2. This release comes in a 2-disc Collector’s Edition set packed with a treasure trove of extras, both existing and newly produced. This chilling sequel to the hit film Jeepers Creepers stars Ray Wise (Twin Peaks, RoboCop), Eric Nenninger (Malcolm in the Middle), Nicki Aycox (Joy Ride 2) and Jonathan Breck returning as The Creeper. Jeepers Creepers 2 comes complete with the news interviews Jeepers Creepers 2: Then and Now – with writer/director Victor Salva, director of photography Don FauntLeRoy, editor Ed Marx and actor Tom Tarantini, A Father’s Revenge – an interview with actor Ray Wise, and Don’t Get Off the Bus – interviews with actors Tom Tarantini, Thom Gossom Jr. and Diane Delano.

When their bus is crippled on the side of a deserted road, a team of high school athletes discover an opponent they cannot defeat – and may not survive. Staring hungrily at them through the school bus windows, the “Creeper” returns again and again. But when the teammates discover that it’s selective about whom it attacks, it will test their ability to stick together – as the insatiable menace tries to tear them apart!
As mentioned in the previous review, I’m a newbie to Jeepers Creepers 2. While being a fan of the first film, I was never interested in this sequel. The trailer didn’t look very good and didn’t feature what looked like a worthwhile bunch of characters to spend time with. I didn’t know it had Ray Wise in it, or I may have been more willing to give it a chance before 13 years later. However, with my initial assumption, I don’t think I was quite of in my presumptions. But, as I always like to go by, you can’t just presume on movies and you can’t really discuss or have a true opinion on them unless you’ve seen it.
Jeepers Creepers 2 takes to the road, but stalls on it, becoming stranded and going nowhere for its one and three quarter hour fright fest. And indeed stall it does. The film seems to want to try and rope in some Friday the 13th type vibe rather than going for the Jeepers Creepers one. Its got a bus full of annoying, uninterested and barely developed teenage jock and cheerleaders stereotypes who are harassed by the Creeper on the way home from winning a basketball state championship.
The film tries to open up some mythos about the Creeper, but really doesn’t put much on there. We learn that every 23 springs, the Creeper is allowed to eat (I’m assuming people). We pick up on the 23rd day of the current eating season which comes shortly after the last film ended. Without spoiling a lot, that’s pretty much all we are given for this one.
We get a different feel in this film because we know the Creeper is a winged monster this whole time. So, if you were wanting better looks at him, you got it! The most interesting thing they do in this one is let him take a complete beating. Some of the best effects are here. He gets impales a lot, cut up and even beheaded at one point. Yet, the Creeper has the power to grow anything back it seems. The practical effects at work are quite impressive and the most fun this movie really offers.
There are no notable young cast members in this movie or any of them that went on to do really anything. Ray Wise is here, because I don’t know why. He’s got a role that reminded me of Lance Henriksen in the original Pumpkinhead. Also, Ray Wise doesn’t really strike me as the redneck farmer type, but here his playing one in Jeepers Creepers 2. Wise gives it his all, chews the scenario, hams it up where necessary, but its really not enough to make the film any better.
Jeepers Creepers 2 is just like the bus that surrounds the entire plot of this movie; it gets a flat tire and doesn’t go anywhere. There are entertaining monster and horror elements to get you through to the end, but overall its a hair too long and really a significant step down in quality from the first film. Its surprising here too, as this feels the kind of direction you’d take if your sequel was going to be direct to video, but this was a major theatrical release. It did have itself a big opening weekend, but failed to top the gross of the original. The Creeper had lay dormant since, but will return to theaters next year.

Encoding: MPEG-4 AVC
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Clarity/Detail: Detail is even more crisp and abundant in this film than the first one. Just marveling at the Creeper alone is enough to impress. The night sky in this film looks absolutely clean and gorgeous. Wetness and dirt/mud on the bus is pretty distinct and impressive. Clothing patterns and texture all look quite defined here in this lovely transfer.
Depth: Solid 3-dimensional work going on. When the Creeper sits outside atop the bus or takes flight, he’s very free, very loose and fluid from his background. Movements in general are natural and smooth.
Black Levels: Blacks are quite deep and heavy in this film that takes place, a lot of it, at night. Detail does tend to get lost just by nature of the setting being so dark. However, the shading, shows and outlining still looks impressive in the transfer.
Color Reproduction: Colors are toned down and have that sort of brown/yellow filter on everything with this film. Yellows look very strong and greens look good when they have a chance to shine.
Flesh Tones: Skin tones are natural and maintain the look from scene to scene for the entirety of the film. Facial features come across quite good in close ups and medium shots display stubble, dirt, make-up, cuts, and even wrinkles.
Noise/Artifacts: Clean.

Audio Format(s): English 5.1 DTS-HD MA, English 2.0 DTS-HD MA
Subtitles: English SDH
Dynamics: Like its predecessor, Jeepers Creepers 2 features a loud and in your face track. There is good balance and layers with the effects, vocals and score in this mix. Each one of them gets shining moments at the forefront to give a jump scare or push the action. The track is lively and keeps one feeling a part of the group of the bus as the Creepers attacks it.
Low Frequency Extension: Tires bursting, the Creepers walking on top of the bus and some pummeling bring the boost of the bass with the subwoofer.
Surround Sound Presentation: Rear speakers mainly spew out ambiance. Though, there are some good moments from them on the bus interior. Movements are well tracked from up and down and left to right. Placement proves to be fun as well in key scare moments.
Dialogue Reproduction: Dialogue is loud and clean.

Jeepers Creepers 2 – Collector’s Edition is a 2-disc set that features reversible cover art displaying an alternate poster for the film.
Disc 2
Audio Commentary
- With Writer/Director Victor Salva and Cast Members
- Creeper Commentary – With Jonathan Breck, Brad Parker and Brian Penikas
Disc 2
Jeepers Creepers 2: Then and Now (HD, 22:34) – The same collective of director Victor Salva, director of photography Don FauntLeRoy, editor Ed Marx and actor Tom Tarantini go over the film’s production. Salva says he drew inspiration from Hitchock’s Lifeboat for the sequel. An interesting little anecdote is that Randy Quaid was originally who was cast as the father. There is also a tease for the plot of the third one.
A Father’s Revenge (HD, 15:20) – An interview with Ray Wise. He opens with his lifelong love of Dracula to share his passion for horror. Wise goes back to his work with Salva on Powder and Peaceful Warrior prior to this sequel. He also wonders what has become of the actor who played his youngest son.
Don’t Get Off The Bus (HD, 20:52) – Actors Tom Tarantini, Thom Gossom Jr. and Diane Delano gives their recollection of the production, from the audition process through production.
Featurettes – These are SD, ported over from the original DVD release of the film.
- A Day In Hell: A Look at the Filming of Jeepers Creepers 2 (HD, 26:43)
- Lights, Camera, Creeper: The Making of Jeepers Creepers 2 (HD, 14:23)
- Creeper Creation (HD, 11:29)
- The Orphanage Visual Effects Reel (HD, 5:23)
- Creeper Composer (HD, 9:26)
- Storyboards (HD, 5:35)
Deleted Scenes (HD, 15:51)
Photo Galleries
- Cast and Crew Photo Gallery (HD, 7:02)
- Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery (HD, 8:35)
Theatrical Trailer (HD, 2:13)

A significant dip from the first film, Jeepers Creepers 2 still manages to do some entertaining, but its all very hollow and minimalist in what it tries to offer. It feels like the kind of cheap horror sequel you would have received in the 1990s. What isn’t cheap is the presentation or the wealth of extras on Scream Factory’s brand new Collector’s Edition. These are good enough to warrant being a completionist and having it in your collection because you own the first.