October 19th, 2020 by Jason Coleman
Fright fans – it’s awards time! The amazing SCREAMFEST HORROR DRIVE IN FILM FESTIVAL 2020 has passed, we have done our own comprehensive coverage (six articles in total!) and it’s time for a little credit where credit is due time. In our many ‘Best’ categories we pay tribute to the brightest that Screamfest had to offer in 2020 and the winners certainly kept us turning in our movie graves. For your consideration – it’s the…

WhySoBlu.com Best of Fest ‘Wrap Up’!

Best Film – A Ghost Waits

Best Short – The Last Man On Earth

Best Actor – Jonathan French in Caveat

Best Actress – Freja Zeuthen in Axe To The Face

Best Surprise Celeb Cameo – Brian Krause in Becky
Much thanks to Rachel Belofsky and the entire team of Screamfest 2020 for creating an amazing fest even in such turbulent times – we horror fans appreciate it! Till next year kiddies, stay scared!

I'm a passionate and opinionated film critic/movie journalist with over 20 years of experience in writing about film - now exclusively for WhySoBlu.com. Previous sites include nine years at Starpulse.com where I created Forgotten Friday Flick back in 2011, before that as Senior Entertainment Editor for The213.net and 213 Magazine, as well as a staff writer for JoBlo.com. My other love is doing cool events for the regular guy with my company Flicks For Fans alongside my friend, partner and Joblo.com writer James "Jimmy O" Oster. Check us out at www.Facebook.com/FlicksForFans.