
SCREENCAPS: Flashdance – Paramount Presents (Blu-ray Review)

The Paramount Presents titles are getting a lot of attention and are a curiosity among collectors right now wondering whether or not as to upgrade with these new video transfers. Its been a little bit of a mixed and debated result so far on the titles. With Flashdance, I admittedly do not own the previous Blu-ray edition, so I cannot compare the two on a personal level. I did scour the interwebs for the thoughts and some screenshots of the old one before coming to my perspective on the Paramount Presents 4K transfer (REVIEW HERE). Since I’m unable to provide side by side comparisons, and I’m not going to steal images from other sites, I decided to provide 24 images from the Flashdance – Paramount Presents Blu-ray and just put them in one post. Said images could easily be compared to others of the previous edition found around the net. Or maybe just these images will be enough to inform your opinion on their own.


Some recommendations to see screencaps for the original release would be Caps-A-Holic or Blu-ray.com.


Brandon is the host, producer, writer and editor of The Brandon Peters Show (thebrandonpetersshow.com). He is also the Moderator/MC of the Live Podcast Stage and on the Podcast Awards Committee for PopCon (popcon.us). In the past 10 years at Why So Blu, Brandon has amassed over 1,500 reviews of 4K, Blu-ray and DVD titles.

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