January 5th, 2017 by Jason Coleman
Nothing represents the best of the 80’s better than Miami Vice. From the pastel colors to the sock free loafers, from the fast Ferrari’s to the sizzling speed boats, the adventures of Vice Detectives James “Sonny” Crockett and Ricardo “Rico” Tubbs were not only influential to an entire decade, but also a huge part of my own childhood representing all things cool. This new great sounding 5.1 & 2.0 Surround Sound set houses the total series and contains every Miami Vice episode in its entirety – the good, the bad and the ugly. Normally product of this type gets the DVD Roundup treatment from me, but with a set this massive more detailed dissection felt warranted.
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November 9th, 2016 by Jason Coleman
A couple of slice and dice international martial arts imports make their way into eager DVD hands this week – viva la wire work! A dangerous gal who goes into hiding and the iconic real-life story of a general slaying warrior make up the two tales touched upon this time out. Check out the review skinny via DVD Roundup for both The Lost Bladesman and Reign Of Assassins below! (As always tech specs provided at the end for the DVD purist!)
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October 21st, 2016 by Jason Coleman
This week we’re going international for the DVD bin scouring by checking out two tall tales from China that cover everything from the supernatural to the super skilled – martial arts style that is! Not sure if these are worth the money – we got you covered! Scan our DVD Roundup for the critical skinny on Phantom of the Theatre and Judge Archer below! (Again, tech specs provided at the end for those who demand DVD details!)
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September 20th, 2016 by Jason Coleman
Time once again to scour the DVD bargain bin to find out if there are any gems buried way down deep. (And I don’t mean the dust bunnies either!) These are what I refer to as quick fix flicks – they either satisfy or sour the good movie seeking cinefile and fast. This time we’re covering two docs on both iconic former films and music watering holes and scary outing that doubles as as a warning for those seeking to buy a horror home. Check out the DVD Roundup reviews of All Things Must Pass, Back In Time and A House Is Not A Home below! (Again, tech specs provided at the end for those with a DVD demand!)
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July 5th, 2016 by Jason Coleman

With so many DVD titles hitting the marketplace it’s tough to know what’s hot and not in the bargain bin. So this week I’m checking out a gaggle of various DVD fare to provide some short movie review skinny for your convenience. (Only one DVD title here has special features – this is more about movie mayhem purity!) From MMA brawls to tough and sassy supergals, check out the DVD Roundup reviews of Never Back Down: No Surrender, Electra Woman & Dyna Girl, The Levenger Tapes and 600 Miles below! (Tech specs are at the end for those who demand it!)
Continue reading ‘DVD Roundup – 4 New Indie Titles (DVD Reviews)’