January 6th, 2021 by Peter Paras
Sooooo (again), 2020, amirite? If there ever a year to lose myself with a controller and 4K TV, this was it. I spent the better part of the year obsessing about playing many great games. Then September arrived, and like many nerds, I became more obsessed over securing an online order for a PlayStation 5 […]
December 19th, 2016 by Aaron Neuwirth
A colleague of mind constantly claims how studios should have at least been able to accidentally make a great video game movie at this point. Assassin’s Creed is unfortunately not the accident we’ve been waiting for. In those terms, sure there have been films of this ilk that have found success (the Resident Evil films), […]
December 28th, 2010 by Aaron Neuwirth
I don’t get a chance to write about video games often, so I am pleased to be able to provide a rundown of the games I have enjoyed playing the most this year. I may not be a professional game reviewer, but I know what I like vs. what frustrates me in video games; and even in a time where my free time has dwindled (yes, part of my living involves watching movies and writing about them, but it’s still work, dammit!), I still managed to play a lot of games.