Tag Archive for 'Charles Martin Smith'
March 25th, 2025 by Gerard Iribe
STARMAN is a story of romance and adventure, as an alien (Jeff Bridges) observing life on Earth becomes stranded near the Wisconsin farmhouse of recently widowed Jenny Hayden (Karen Allen). The alien, otherwise known as Starman, clones the human form of Scott Hayden, Jenny’s deceased husband. Due to be picked up by his mother ship […]
May 24th, 2022 by Brandon Peters
You gotta love it as a maestro’s catalog continues to upgrade through to whatever the most up to date format there is for home video. Brian De Palma is slowly but surely upgrading. Milestones help to bump things up to the top, as his film The Untouchables will join Mission: Impossible, Carlito’s Way and Scarface […]
July 18th, 2021 by Aaron Neuwirth
The great thing about this surprise Criterion Collection choice, Bill Duke’s 1992 undercover cop thriller Deep Cover, is that it’s a great film, regardless of its placement in Criterion’s extensive library. As much as I dig the collection, it’s not hard to see a curious lack of films directed by Black Americans. Whether or not […]
December 17th, 2018 by Brandon Peters
If there is one director that has been tied to brand, in terms of Blu-ray labels, its John Carpenter and Scream Factory. One of his most acclaimed and biggest box office hits, Starman, is now receiving the Collector’s Edition treatment (Which kicked off the label back in 2012 with two Carpenter produced Halloween sequels, mind […]
March 25th, 2017 by Jason Coleman
With the 80’s and fine films ala John Carpenter going hand-in-hand, there’s more than enough past picture work to hail. So let’s get to it – welcome to Forgotten Friday Flick! This week we’re getting a little more romantic and melancholy as we step to the side of the terror tales via the master of […]
September 23rd, 2016 by Jason Coleman
With the weather hot as hell down here in sunny LA it brings to mind a sizzling screen gem that is ripe for resurrection – welcome to Forgotten Friday Flick! This week we’re take a sharp right turn into the mind of the late great Dennis Hopper as a director and what a mind trip […]
December 7th, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
So here we are again with another family film based on the true story of a dolphin named Winter. For the record, “Another Dolphin Tale” or “A Tale of Two Dolphins” may have been better title ideas to work with, but Dolphin Tale 2 is largely more of the same, as far as this sort […]
October 22nd, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
I cannot say this is a film that has me super excited, but at the same time, I am sure it is probably pretty good. I reviewed the first Dolphin Tale on Blu-ray and found it to be fine. Everything I have heard about this sequel suggests the same, plus I still get Morgan Freeman, so […]