Tag Archive for 'James Gunn'
January 6th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
Given the research and only having so much to work with, this is always a tough list to put together. I see over a hundred movies a year theatrically and a lot of those films are ones I’ve been anticipating to some degree, while many others are smaller films that randomly arrive on the calendar […]
December 29th, 2014 by Brian White
It’s that time of the year again. My how time flies by, huh? I generally hate this time of the year not because of the holidays, but because it means nothing but cold and deadness outside and in a reviewer’s world, the dreaded TOP 10 lists as well. Ugh! I’m not going to lie. I […]
December 16th, 2014 by Brian White
Unlike recent years, I really didn’t acquire as many Blu-ray titles in 2014 as I typically do in a 12-month calendar. Sure there are Blu-ray titles that I reviewed and held onto, but the others made their way into my collection when they were either priced exceptionally well (mostly horror sets I never grabbed before) or “Day 1” titles that […]
December 2nd, 2014 by Brandon Peters
In years to come, we’re going to look back and forget Marvel was ever “taking a big risk” with Guardians Of The Galaxy. The property was based off one of their most obscure titles and focused on weird galactic space adventure featuring no household name characters. And to lead it all was a lesser proven […]
November 13th, 2014 by Brandon Peters
Coming out this Tuesday on Disney Movies Anywhere and Blu-ray 3-D Combo Pack, Blu-ray and OnDemand December 9th pretty much everyone’s favorite film of the summer (If not close to the top of the list, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! While you eagerly anticipate holding this puppy in your hands and gloriously displaying it on your […]
October 15th, 2014 by Brandon Peters
Take the “Booo!” in the title as either the ghostly scare sound or the hoards of fanboys’ reactions when something gets remade. Over the last 15 years or so we’ve seen plenty of reboots, reimaginings and remakes come to fruition throughout each film going year. The horror genre has certainly been the genre the most […]
October 3rd, 2014 by Brandon Peters
Well, here’s the most exciting way possible to start off your Friday morning heading into the weekend. Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, the biggest movie of the summer and year in the US is hitting our lovely glorious Blu-ray format on December 9th! Yes, you’ll have time to get it and watch it like 16 […]
July 31st, 2014 by Brian White
When you’re talking the Marvel Cinematic Universe I’m in the mood for something different, what about you? Going into the press screening of Guardians of the Galaxy this past Tuesday evening “different” is what I was hoping for. I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular other than just simply wanting to have a good time. The past few […]
July 30th, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
While the word is out on what the future holds for the films from Marvel Studios, they are currently in a place of comfort, as the films produced are consistently entertaining, despite fitting into familiar structures. Given that the films all have reasonable budgets and lots of talent both behind and in front of the […]
July 9th, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
It is only less than a month away. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is the hotly anticipated comic book space adventure, from director James Gunn, starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, and Bradley Cooper & Vin Diesel as the voice of a talking raccoon and tree creature. Marvel thinks this is crazy enough to work […]
February 20th, 2014 by Brandon Peters
Just a little over a day since the trailer for this summer’s Guardians Of The Galaxy made waves on the internet and they’re already sending us more. After the jump, I’ve been provided with some clips introducing us to our heroes of the film. This is a pretty brilliant movie on Disney and Marvel’s behalf […]
February 19th, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
Thanks Jimmy Kimel? Those are not words I use often, but hey, the man (well technically his show) is responsible for releasing the debut trailer for the upcoming Marvel film, Guardians of the Galaxy. This obscure Marvel comic property is the biggest risk Marvel Studios has taken since basically Iron Man, when Marvel pretty much […]
July 25th, 2013 by Sean Ferguson
Out of all of the panels that were to appear in Hall H this year, the one that I was looking forward to the most (with the exception of Harrison Ford), was the Marvel one and it also proved to be the hardest one to get into as well. I love superhero comics and movies […]
December 16th, 2011 by Matt Goodman
Here we go. My first annual top ten list for Why So Blu. It may surprise you, make you laugh, make you cry, make you hate, yet if you actually take the time to thoroughly view each of these Blu-ray’s, you will surely be on my side. To be honest, it was quite difficult choosing […]