
Tag Archive for 'Tilda Swinton'

Step Onto ‘Snowpiercer’ And Hold On Tight (Movie Review)

I enjoy science fiction stories quite a bit.  Whether it ranges from plausible ideas regarding the future of our current society or to things a bit more abstract, I love the creativity on display.  This especially goes for sci-fi films, which allow a large number of filmmakers, actors, production designers, etc., to develop worlds, stories, […]


The Grand Budapest Hotel (Blu-ray Review)

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a film not only packed with characters, sets, costumes, and all the things that tend to typify writer/director Wes Anderson’s style, it is also packed with story.  It is becoming more and more clear to me how much Anderson enjoys having films that are about stories being told to an […]


ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE Arrives On Blu-ray This August

One of my favorite films of the year:  Sony Pictures Classics’ visually poetic love story from Director Jim Jarmusch (Broken Flowers), ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE, will debut on Blu-ray™, DVD and DigitalHD Aug. 19 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. The film is the apotheosis of American independent film and underground music, full of Jarmusch’s laconic sense of humor. ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE stars Oscar winner® Tilda […]


Check Into Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel On Blu-ray This June

One of the best films of the first half of this year is arriving on Blu-ray on June 17th.  I was a big fan of Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel and was happy to catch it a couple times in theater (Review HERE), as well interview some of the cast and crew (HERE).  The […]


Only Lovers Left Alive Is Bloody Great (Movie Review)

It makes a lot of sense that indie filmmaker Jim Jarmusch has finally made a film about vampires.  He practically is one, given his height, slender and pale appearance, white hair, and the fact that he only pops up every so often to release a film into the night for the masses to find.  The […]


Wes Anderson’s Style Adorns ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ (Movie Review)

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a film not only packed with characters, sets, costumes, and all the things that tend to typify writer/director Wes Anderson’s style, it is also packed with story.  It is becoming more and more clear to me how much Anderson enjoys having films that are about stories being told to an […]


Behold The Outdoor Majesty Of ‘Moonrise Kingdom’

Just to get it out of the way, I am a big fan of writer/director Wes Anderson’s work (Rushmore, The Royal Tenembaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc.) and was already inclined to enjoy his latest film.  The fact that I really enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom does not come from a bias however; it comes from recognizing a […]


We Need To Talk About Kevin (Movie Review)

Before learning anything specific about Lynne Ramsay’s We Need to Talk About Kevin, I was under the unfortunate impression that Kevin was another “evil kid” movie.   One based on a critically-acclaimed novel, sure, but still:  yet another “evil kid” movie.  Oh, boy.  How exciting. And so, I expected the typical “evil kid” plot:  upper-middle-class parents […]


Swinton Excels, While Talking About ‘Kevin’ Can Be Soul Crushing

In times past, when it comes to certain horror movies or thrillers, I have noted that the “creepy kid” subgenre is one that usually gets to me pretty easily.  We Need to Talk About Kevin is not quite a horror film or thriller, but more a psychological drama surrounding the mental state of a mother […]
