March 18th, 2020 by Brandon Peters
The Safdie Brothers made a nice jump onto the scene a couple years back with their rough and tumble thriller, GoodTime. Not only did they make someone what of a critical cult hit, the film also took note for its outstanding performance from Robert Pattinson (Adding such humor to the people who don’t seem to […]
January 5th, 2018 by Gerard Iribe
They saved the best for last, that’s why I’m last. It was a great year for movies and a shame that I couldn’t include more than what’s already included, but my Top 10, give or take, of 2017 is a nice and hearty list. A fellow reviewer from a different website used a cool word […]
June 7th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
As proven this past February, A Cure for Wellness has few tricks up its sleeves that audiences have not seen before. I believe director Gore Verbinski knew this going in but still wanted to go all in. Fitting in the same league as gorgeously designed, but narratively challenged films such as Shutter Island and Crimson […]
February 13th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
I would like to propose something. Many will argue how A Cure for Wellness has few tricks up its sleeves that audiences have not seen before. What if director Gore Verbinski knows that as well? Fitting in the same league as gorgeously designed, but narratively challenged films such as Shutter Island and Crimson Peak, A […]