Tag Archive for 'David Fincher'
December 21st, 2012 by Gerard Iribe
It’s that not-so-dreaded time of the year where I unleash my Top 10 Blu-rays of 2012. This year I thought I’d go against the grain the best that I could and just limit myself on picking Blu-rays that actually made a statement in terms of video, audio, and special features, instead of films that were […]
December 23rd, 2011 by Gerard Iribe
As promised, here is my Top 10 FILM list for 2011. I actually had to scramble in compiling this list, because there was one movie that I needed to see before my deadline and I was confident that it would go on my list. Did it, though? That’s what you’re going to have to read […]
December 22nd, 2011 by John Hitch
David Fincher’s newest flick, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, features an unforgettable opening sequence reminiscent of star Daniel Craig’s other franchise, which coincidently, is also filled with sex, spy gadgets and wealthy super villains. This movie begins by flashing sort-of-nude dancers writhing to a tune related to the movie, like Octopussy or Goldeneye did […]
December 21st, 2011 by Aaron Neuwirth
After all the lighthearted fun I have had with the adventure films of December, 2011, it is now time to sink to someplace darker. The biggest curiosity I have with the self proclaimed, “feel bad film of Christmas,” is how the three groups of people will respond to it. The groups I refer to are […]
December 19th, 2011 by Aaron Neuwirth
I am super busy these days, but there are a certain number of films that I could not pass up when it came to checking them out on Blu-ray, at my own leisure, in the comfort of my own home. The following list is set of films that I consider to be some of the […]
September 14th, 2011 by Aaron Neuwirth
So now that we have left the summer movie season behind (a recap featuring the Why So Blu crew’s top picks can be found HERE), it is time to get into the big fall releases. There are a lot of great looking releases on their way, including both “prestige” level films as well as those […]
December 28th, 2010 by Gerard Iribe
Another year has come and almost gone, leaving in its wake, many Blu-rays littered about. Some good, some not so good. In what will be an ongoing tradition, WhySoBlu has asked for my thoughts on the best Blu-rays of the year. The following article is MY personal top ten favorite Blu-rays of 2010 for your […]
December 26th, 2010 by Aaron Neuwirth
It’s the end of 2010, and with that I have a list of my favorite movies. The following list contains all of the films that I felt defined what I seek out in most films; namely that they have elements of entertainment, intrigue, or master craftsmanship when it comes to the filmmaking. Some may only have a few of these aspects covered, others may have all three bases dominated. Given my lengthy honorable mention section, there were certainly a good number of films that I had to choose from, but this list, I feel, represents the best of what 2010 had to offer theatrically:
December 24th, 2010 by Aaron Neuwirth
As little time as I have to actually sit at home and watch all the Blu-rays I own and check out all the special features they have to offer, there are a certain number of films that I could not pass up when it came to checking them out at my own leisure, in the comfort of my own home. The following list is set of films that I consider to be some of the best that the Blu-ray format has had to offer for this year.
November 11th, 2010 by Brian White
I’m pretty sure that all three of my staff Blu-ray reviewers, excluding myself, would put some of the Alien movies in their all-time favorite lists if I asked them. And so when the Alien Anthology Blu-ray box set arrived at my doorstep upon returning from sunny California, almost two weeks ago, it arrived at what […]
October 3rd, 2010 by Aaron Neuwirth
An important thing to note right off the bat about this film is that it is not “Facebook: The Movie.” This is a film, based on a novel that recounts the creation of Facebook through multiple perspectives and the legal action that followed. I believe this film could have just as easily been about the […]
October 1st, 2010 by Brian White
Let’s start off with the obvious question. Who out there reading this doesn’t have a Facebook account, a show of hands please? I futilely resisted all these years, but when pressured by the marketing forces behind the studios to get one for promotion of our reviews, I reluctantly succumbed having no choice in the matter […]
September 7th, 2010 by Brian White
A decade before the incarnation of Saw, the crime thriller Seven (stylized as Se7en) “saw” its reign in the theaters some 15 years ago in 1995. My God, has it been that long? And honestly, I remember really liking the film, but for some reason I never revisited the film again. Must be a lack […]
August 17th, 2010 by Blu-ray Brian
Well there wasn’t much Blu-ray news to report on yesterday, but at least one positive thing happened in the world. Someone was cast to play Lisbeth Salander in David Fincher’s US adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. That girl’s name is Rooney Mara. I only know her from the newest incarnation […]
November 22nd, 2009 by Brian White
Words cannot vividly express how honored and excited I am to be the recipient of the following Blu-ray disc and also to be selected to furnish a review of it. It’s literally a dream come true for me. To declare the following manuscript of confabulation a mere Blu-ray review would simply be misleading. Instead, think […]
November 18th, 2009 by Blu-ray Brian
November 17, 2009 was a festive day for all Fight Club fans! Yesterday, the cult classic film turned 10 years old. Parties were held around the globe, in festive celebration, in observance of Project Mayhem’s 10th Birthday. Last night, mischief and mayhem ensued when midnight screenings of Fight Club were held in Los Angeles and New […]
November 11th, 2009 by Blu-ray Brian
Earlier today I received the email that made my day even better. Not only have I been at home getting in some much needed R&R, today being Veteran’s Day, but I also was notified to be on the lookout for my Blu-ray review copy, sometime next week, of the movie that completely changed my life and thought processes. I’m […]
August 31st, 2009 by Blu-ray Brian
Had it not been for 2008’s The Dark Knight I would be passed out right now from the news of the OFFICAL Fight Club Blu-ray announcement. Up until July 2008, Fight Club has always been my #1 go to movie for all my needs. For some people this film is more than a movie, its […]