January 12th, 2018 by Aaron Neuwirth
Now that everyone has put together their Top Ten lists for the films of 2017, I thought it would be fun to assemble a list that combines all those results and determines a Top Ten list for the team as a whole. Usually, we just speak of which films is the Why So Blu film […]
January 2nd, 2018 by Jason Coleman
What a year 2017 was and thanks to WhySoBlu and specifically head man Brian White the past year was one memorable movie loving time for yours truly. I got to see more films than any other previous year (by my calculation I only missed The Post and BPM – not bad!), keep the love of my […]
December 13th, 2017 by Jason Coleman
Well, it’s that time of year once again movie maniacs. The time when we look back at the wares of the wondrous past year and highlight that which has given the most joy. Since my Blu-ray collecting for 2017 has been somewhat minimal, I proudly produce a yearly list of equally arty fare that helps […]
June 30th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
We have reached the end of June, which means it may be fun to take a look at what we’ve really liked in the world of cinema so far this year. So the Why So Blu crew decided to put together their picks for the best films of the year so far, which once again […]
February 24th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
With Logan serving as a final X-Men film for the Wolverine we all know and enjoy, Hugh Jackman has to be feeling pretty good about going out on top. After having played the role for 17 years, the prospect of not getting into insane shape every couple of years allows Jackman some peace. Not that […]