Tag Archive for 'Ben Schwartz'
January 21st, 2025 by Adam Toroni-Byrne
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails return for their most epic adventure yet in the blockbuster hit SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3, arriving to buy on Digital January 21, 2025 from Paramount Home Entertainment. The film will also be available on Digital as part of a 3-movie collection that includes the first two feature films. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG […]
June 6th, 2023 by Brandon Peters
Renfield was a project that sounded interesting and kept getting more and more interesting with casting, production details and then a pretty dynamite little trailer. And for the most part, the film absolutely delivered. Unfortunately, it didn’t deliver to enough people, being one of the more high profile unsuccessful films of 2023. Regardless, the Nicolas […]
May 27th, 2020 by Brandon Peters
Sonic the Hedgehog made its awareness even more well known thanks to online fan whining and pouting about the look of the character after the first trailer. This lead to the movie being pulled and set for a later date in order to improve the animation. And I’ll agree, it did look better, but old […]
February 12th, 2020 by Peter Paras
Videogames flicks based on the actual games have, at best, a spotty track record. I personally enjoy a few Resident Evils and at least one Tomb Raider (the Alicia Vikander entry), but I can’t argue that most films which use the language of games and their ideas with original characters and plots are much better. Your […]
December 28th, 2015 by Brandon Peters
Academy Award® winning Director Robert Zemeckis, (Best Director, Forrest Gump, 1994) uses cutting edge technology to bring to life the true story of THE WALK, debuting on Digital HD Dec. 22 and on Two-Disc 3D Blu-ray™Combo Pack, Blu-ray and DVD Jan. 5 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper) stars as Philippe Petit, a […]
September 30th, 2015 by Brian White
Ever since I saw the trailer for The Walk in IMAX at a screen of Mad Max: Fury Road I have been enthralled about seeing it. The weird thing though is I hate heights. However, I’m oddly drawn to that vertigo feeling seeing a film such as The Walk on a large IMAX screen can […]
September 17th, 2014 by Aaron Neuwirth
This is Where I Leave You is the kind of film that walks the line between being aware it is not treading new ground, but still wants to make you happy, based on all the talented actors involved, and treating its subject matter in a more serious manner. It is a film featuring characters that are […]
July 17th, 2013 by Aaron Neuwirth
Turbo presents the idea of a snail racing in the Indy 500. There are reasons why this happens and the fact that the film is animated and intended for children allows for an obvious amount of suspension of disbelief, but let me reiterate that this is a film that presents the idea of a Snail […]
January 6th, 2013 by Aaron Neuwirth
House of Lies is a Showtime series based on the book by Martin Kihn, which presents a dark comedy focused on a management consultant and his team. Despite not receiving universal acclaim, the series was popular enough during its first season run, with the second season of the series debuting this January. I missed this […]
March 31st, 2011 by Aaron Neuwirth
There are ways to make a dysfunctional-family comedy work. Arrested Development will go down as one of the great comedy television shows of all time, because of the wide range of talent split between all of the different members of the family, the dynamic of those relationships, and how super sharp and hilarious the writing […]