
Tag Archive for 'Zoë Saldaña'

The Losers Come Out Ahead

From the moment I saw the trailer back in January, I was instantly convinced that The Losers was going to be a fun-filled action flick with moments of over-the-top action, a little naughty Saldaña, and a whole lot of happy triggers.  Now it’s three months later and opening weekend for the film and as for […]


The Losers are Really Winners IMO

Don’t let the movie’s name deceive you.  If you are looking for a wild romping good time this weekend with no brain power required, then look no further than your local cinema to check out Dark Castle’s adaptation of the Vertigo and DC Comics comic book series of the same name, The Losers.  The film […]


Brian Enjoys Talking About Death at a Funeral

I went into Wednesday night’s screening of Death at a Funeral with a bad attitude.  My day was lackluster.  It was one of those days you just simply eek through life and would rather forget.  So long story short, I went into the preview screening already expecting to hate it.  That’s always a bad thing […]


Earth Day Release For Avatar Marks Launch Of 1 Million Trees

I know we just posted the press release not so long ago for James Cameron’s monster hit Avatar, but when this press release hit my inbox I instantly had a thought.  What a better way to persuade our eco-friendly writer Gregg Senko into buying this Blu-ray release.  So Gregg…if you are reading this, check out the […]


Avatar Blu-ray = 40th Anniversary of Earth Day

Summertime arrives early this year for me with last year’s blockbuster film coming to Blu-ray this April.  Actually, isn’t it the biggest grossing film of all time?  Well anyway, the record breaking film needs no introduction.  James Cameron’s Avatar arrives on the Blu-ray/DVD retail shelves of planet Earth everywhere on April 22nd.  If that day doesn’t […]


‘Avatar’ in 3D Stunning, But Tedious

Finally the release date for Avatar arrived.  The street lamp-hung signs at July’s Comic-Con now fulfilled their advertising destiny.  The autumn-released teaser trailers and strategically placed glimpses were no longer needed as the real deal had landed.  Rumors had swirled for months as to how much the film cost.  Some said it was the first […]


“My Heart Will Go On” with Avatar

For nearly three hours tonight I sat in the movie theater and completely forgot about all of my troubles, all of my worries and nothing else even mattered to me in the world except the universe James Cameron masterfully created in Avatar.  I even forgot I was part of the human race as I sat […]
