Archive for the 'Gerard Iribe' Category
December 22nd, 2019 by Gerard Iribe
Instead of writing a proper Top-10 list like normal this year, I’m just compiling some of my favorite Blu-ray sets of 2019. I’m almost certain I left some out due to me forgetting or not actually owning them. All of the titles listed here I own. One thing for sure, upon first and possibly second glance, is that it’s been a stellar year for boutique label releases. Shout Factory, Arrow Video, Criterion Collection, Eureka! Masters of Cinema, and Flicker Alley all make appearances here. I had a lot of fun putting this list together and hope that you enjoy it. Let’s get on with the show! Continue reading ‘End of the Decade: Gerard’s Top Blu-rays of 2019!’
December 27th, 2018 by Gerard Iribe
For some reason I thought I would be last out of the Why So Blu? crew in terms of listing our Top-10 films of 2018. Nope! Looks like I’m first, so my selections are on deck. As is customary with my Top-10 list of films – I was not able to watch everything I wanted to before my cut-off date. I’m going to list my Top-10 selections in a streamlined fashion and I will omit any honorable mentions due to time and scheduling. You want a Top-10 list, well, that’s what you’re gonna get! Without further ado, let’s get busy! Continue reading ‘I’ve Got 10 On It: Gerard’s Top-10 Films of 2018!’
December 19th, 2018 by Gerard Iribe
Yes, it is one of my favorite times of the year – my Top-10 favorite Blu-rays of 2018 in full effect! My criteria are more of a how did the film look, sound, and was it fully loaded in terms of special features? That’s how I gauged if they would make it on the list or not. The film in question could have been a stinker but how was the Blu-ray? That’s how I graded my selections. The good news is that they weren’t stinkers to begin with, so we all win! Without further ado come on in, have a seat, relax, and enjoy my Top-10 Blu-rays of 2018. Kick it!
Continue reading ‘Coming in Hot: Gerard’s Top-10 Blu-rays of 2018!’
January 5th, 2018 by Gerard Iribe
They saved the best for last, that’s why I’m last. It was a great year for movies and a shame that I couldn’t include more than what’s already included, but my Top 10, give or take, of 2017 is a nice and hearty list. A fellow reviewer from a different website used a cool word for his list when I noticed that he had a particular film one would not consider for traditional Top 10 year-end accolades. “Iconoclastic.” I am taking that word and using it for my list. Some of the films on my list are on there just for the sheer enjoyment I had in viewing them – not necessarily for their cinematic merits. Enough with the pleasantries – step right up and enjoy the show! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s “They Saved the Best for Last” Top 10 Films of 2017′
December 26th, 2017 by Gerard Iribe
I can’t believe it has been another year of rocking and rolling here at Why So Blu?. Once again, it is my Top-10 Blu-ray list of the year — some may or may not come as a surprise but most should be no-brainers for the most part. I do not know if I will be crossing streams with my fellow WSB writers, but that’s half the fun. In any event, the following list does not examine film merit at all. It is all about the best bang for your Blu-ray buck. It is all about presentation, special features, and bells & whistles. It’s as simple as that. Without further ado I give you my favorite Blu-rays of 2017. Enjoy! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top-10 Blu-rays of 2017′
January 4th, 2017 by Gerard Iribe
Happy New Year! Here we are together again, and as promised, my Top-tastic films of 2016! Please keep in mind that I did not see as many films as I wanted to after August of this year due to several traveling commitments. I did catch up on a few more within the last couple of weeks but they may or may not have made it onto my list. I published my Top Blu-ray list a few weeks ago and none of those films made it onto this list either due to different scales of grading. You may notice a theme in this list and that’s what I went for this time out. It’s a more “fun” oriented list of flicks that captured my attention and made me have a good time – as crappy of a year as we had – I needed to laugh and be blown away. In any event, let’s get on with the show! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top-Tastic Films of 2016!’
December 15th, 2016 by Gerard Iribe
Another year-end Top Blu-ray list is upon us. Again, like last year’s Top Blu-ray list, I have removed the order of titles in terms of numbering system, with the exception of the #1 spot. We have a clear winner in that department and it is a doozy. All of the other titles are placed in no particular order. I should also clarify and say that if you don’t see a Blu-ray or Blu-ray set on this list it that you may think deserves to be on here – it may be because I have not watched it. I have a backlog of titles that I’ve yet to watch, so it’s nothing personal. Without further ado, I present my Top Blu-ray list of 2016! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top Blu-ray List of 2016!’
January 7th, 2016 by Gerard Iribe
2015 was a great year for movies and it seems that most of them, or at least most of the good ones, are saved for December. I was busy catching up on films right up until New Year’s Eve. I may be a week late but better late than never when it comes to film. This list is technically my “Top 11 or 12” but I could have made it bigger but then that wouldn’t be efficient. There are quite a few surprises in store, as well. In any event – I give you my favorite films of 2015! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top Films of 2015!’
December 24th, 2015 by Gerard Iribe
Wow, so it’s already that time of year again when some of the Why So Blu? writing crew get together and compile their Top Blu-ray lists of the year. Generally, it’s a “Top-10” list but as you can see I have omitted the “10” part, because there were tons of new releases, that while not necessarily being good films, their Blu-ray counterpart was exceptional. That, and I may go over ten, so being non-specific helps. If you want to know what my Top films of 2015 are in general then you’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for that list to drop. This is strictly a top Blu-ray list – whether the film sucked or not – how was the Blu-ray? Keep reading and find out!
Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top Blu-rays of 2015!’
December 17th, 2014 by Gerard Iribe
I must have had other things on my mind but when I got the text this morning saying that my “Top-10 Blu-rays of 2014” list was due today I had to get into scramble mode fast! I should preface this list by saying that everything listed is from my own personal collection. If you see something on here that you think should have been on here and wasn’t that’ due to me probably not owning a copy of it. You may see more than one edition listed from foreign territories but I am region free, so when it comes to Blu-rays, there are open borders in this household. Anyways, enough yapping, here are my Top-10 Blu-rays of 2014. Take it away! Continue reading ‘Do You Even Watch Blu-rays Bro?: Gerard’s Top-10 Blu-rays of 2014′
October 21st, 2014 by Gerard Iribe

2014 is just flying by as we are already in my favorite coveted month of October. The leaves have started to turn red and yellow and the ghosts and goblins are out there creeping about. This short list is made up of my favorite horror films that I like to watch during the Halloween holiday season. A slice of pumpkin pie and nice pumpkin craft ale and a nice horror movie hits the spot perfectly. This obviously isn’t a comprehensive but just a tasty sampler of films that are relatively short in running time but hit you right in your fear spot. In any event sit back and enjoy my Top-3 Halloween Horror Treats!
Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top-3 Halloween Horror Treats!’
December 28th, 2013 by Gerard Iribe
We’ve come to it at last…my Top-10 film list for the year 2013. I’ll be upfront about it and say that I did not see most of the major and non-major films of 2013. I am only listing the films that I saw that made an actual impact in my life, for better or for worse. No BS. It’s also kind of funny that since my list is due today, the 28th of December, I had to scramble and watch several movies at the cinema this past week STAT! It was a lot of fun but there are also just so many movies I can watch before a deadline hits. Luckily for me, some of those films that I watched at the last minute were so great that they indeed made my Top-10 list just in the nick of time. So, without further ado, let’s get the party started!
Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top-10 Super Duper Films of 2013!’
December 17th, 2013 by Gerard Iribe
It’s that time again where we come up with our Top-10 Blu-rays of the year. 2013 has come and almost gone and left a path of high definition destruction in its wake. Coincidentally, my Top-10 list features the work of some epic directors, who had a stellar year on the Blu-ray format as most of their back catalog, along with current works, were released in high definition in 2013. My criteria for picking the selections on this list is more in tune with how fully loaded are the Blu-rays chosen, along with demo-worthy characteristics, etc. Film worthiness is also taken into consideration but that it not the main factor. If I want film-worthiness then I will save it for my regular Top-10 list of films, which will post in a couple of weeks. This list is based off of the merits of the Blu-ray for the most part. Without further ado I give you my Top 10 Badass Blu-rays of 2013! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top 10 Badass Blu-rays of 2013!’
December 16th, 2013 by Gerard Iribe
To compliment my best of the year lists I’ve once again compiled a short “worst of” set of selections. The following are films that I saw in 2013 that sucked and/or did not live up to the hype. I’m not going to include a “dishonorable mentions” list like last year, because it would be a waste of time. The films contained here star A-list actors and most had gigantic budgets to work with. It makes it that much more painful to recap why they sucked. I understand the concept of “guilty pleasures,” and I have many, but these don’t even qualify as guilty pleasures, in my opinion. Shall we begin? Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Worst Films of 2013!’
December 13th, 2013 by Gerard Iribe
I think this is my first Top Music Album list ever. I may have worked on a couple of other music related lists for WSB but they were never about what I thought cut the muster in any given year. The catalyst for this decision is that I received an analog (non-USB) turntable for my birthday earlier this year and I went on a bit of a VINYL binge. It was great! I discovered and re-discovered my love for music, records, and actually full length albums! If it’s one thing about listening to vinyl it’s that you are forced to listen to the record in its entirety. Unless you’re a master with the arm & needle (I am not), you have no choice but to step into the musical journey that the artists have created with their music – in full. This list is made up of vinyl selections, but every album here was released in 2013, and sound quality or whatnot is not a factor. I’m not going to compare CD and Vinyl quality here. Go ahead and relax, set the needle, get a glass of wine, and enjoy my Top Music Albums of 2013! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top Music Albums of 2013!’
December 31st, 2012 by Gerard Iribe
No, nothing fancy, just trying to be creative with the title. Is it working? Probably not, but you get the gist of it. I, hereby, present my Top 10 theatrical releases of 2012 (most are already on Blu-ray for your viewing pleasure and some are about to hit the high definition format in the coming weeks) and a few that were edged out a bit in the running, that should also be given a look, because they are exceptional films in their own right. It’s sort of been a peculiar year in film, with tons of films flying in under my radar that I did not actually catch in theaters, but that were made available to me via Blu-ray, that did make it on this list. Peculiar or not, 2012 was a great year of film, so dig in while it’s still hot! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top 10 Super Duper Films of 2012!’
December 23rd, 2012 by Gerard Iribe
This worst-of list will not be as long as my other Top 10 lists due to the fact that some films that were downright unwatchable weren’t even watched all the way through. I decided not to subject myself to them, so some of these selections will probably just get “honorable worst-of” mentions instead, or a combination thereof. The films that I did watch in their entirety and hated are listed below. There are several big flicks on this list, with massive budgets, but most should not have even gotten made. Some had great marketing, some looked great in the trailers, but they fizzled out at the end. With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy my WORST films of 2012 list. Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Worst Films of 2012′
December 21st, 2012 by Gerard Iribe
It’s that not-so-dreaded time of the year where I unleash my Top 10 Blu-rays of 2012. This year I thought I’d go against the grain the best that I could and just limit myself on picking Blu-rays that actually made a statement in terms of video, audio, and special features, instead of films that were cool that got the benefit of the doubt because they’re on Blu-ray. I think I cheated last year and did just that. Not this year, though. Some of my selections may have tons of special features and some may not. What can be said is that the TLC that went into the Blu-rays themselves is fairly evident and I have taken notice in that regard. I’ve also got a couple of imports that should be noted, so without further ado…I present my Top 10 bad ass Blu-rays of 2012. Kick it! Continue reading ‘Gerard’s Top 10 Bad Ass Blu-rays of 2012′