Archive for the 'Aaron Neuwirth' Category
January 6th, 2023 by Aaron Neuwirth
Let’s do this thing. I’ve assembled my list of Most Anticipated Films for 2023. It’s always exciting to look ahead at the upcoming releases for the year. Keeping that in mind, I’m well aware that some movies may not even be on my radar as of yet. However, it’s always fascinating to have an idea of all the current potential and narrow it down to a collection of intriguing or fun-looking titles. The following is a month-by-month look at what movies I am looking forward to seeing this year (links for trailers where available). Feel free to name the films you are all looking forward to in the comments.
– Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2023 – A Month-By-Month Look’
December 28th, 2022 by Aaron Neuwirth
I’ve joked in the past about trying to shrink this super-sized top ten post down. This year, I think I actually did it! Okay…so it’s maybe only a few titles shorter than usual, but that’s not nothing. Once again, I’ve had the privilege of taking in Blu-ray and 4K UHD releases all year, along with a region-free player, to enjoy import releases, much like my fellow Why So Blu writers, allowing me an optimal viewing experience to go along with these excellent releases. As usual (see: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), the final top ten list has a key rule – I have to have gone through the disc as far as assessing the audio and video quality, along with the special features available. There are some releases that I’m sure are terrific, but I just haven’t had the time to watch everything. With that said, I have plenty of bonus sections as well. So, let’s do this thing!
Continue reading ‘Super-Sized Top Ten: Aaron’s Formidable 4K & Blu-ray Picks for 2022’
January 3rd, 2022 by Aaron Neuwirth
Time for another look at the rest of the year from the top of it. I’ve assembled my annual list of Most Anticipated Films for 2022. I find it’s always exciting to look ahead at the films set to arrive this year. It’s also a relief to be more or less back on track and not have to deal with too many more leftovers, as far as films that were delayed because of the pandemic (although there are still a few). With that in mind, I’m also well aware some movies aren’t even on my radar yet. However, I’m still plenty happy to see all of the current potential and narrow it down to some interesting or fun-looking titles. The following is a month-by-month look at what movies I am looking forward to seeing this year (links for trailers where available). Feel free to name the films you are all looking forward to in the comments.
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2022 – A Month By Month Look’
December 22nd, 2021 by Aaron Neuwirth
“I think I’ve figured out how to shrink this thing down.” What a foolish thing I told myself, once again… This is the first full year I’ve had to enjoy not only new Blu-ray releases but 4K UHD discs as well. Having all the modern format options like my fellow Why So Blu writers (in addition to a region-free player) has allowed me the optimal viewing experience to go along with these excellent releases. As usual (see: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020), this list has a key rule – I have to have gone through the disc as far as assessing the audio and video quality, along with the special features available. There are releases that I’m sure are terrific, but I just haven’t had the time to watch everything (I mainly focused on the ones I knew would satisfy the most). With that said, I have plenty of bonus sections as well. So, here we go!
Continue reading ‘Super-Sized Top Ten: Aaron’s Exceptional 4K & Blu-ray Picks For 2021′
March 28th, 2021 by Aaron Neuwirth

It’s been a bumpy road for major releases, but Legendary Pictures’ MonsterVerse has a battle for the ages coming this Spring with Godzilla vs. Kong. After delivering my rankings for the Heisei Era and the Millennium Era, along with some fun facts and a beginner’s guide to the famed kaiju series, I took a bit of a break from huge Godzilla posts. However, it’s finally time to explore my ranking of the original period of Toho’s Godzilla films, the Showa Era, which ran from the 50s into the 70s, featuring a hefty 15 films. So, get ready for my ranking, fun trivia, and more.
– Continue reading ‘Godzilla Ranking: The Showa Era (1954-1975)’
January 7th, 2021 by Aaron Neuwirth
This should be interesting. I’ve assembled my annual list of Most Anticipated Films for 2021, but it comes with an interesting change. While it’s always fun to look ahead at the films set to arrive this year, this is coming after a year where many releases were delayed. As a result, films from last year will appear on this list as well, but I’m going to put a larger focus on films I didn’t spotlight in last year’s list. With that in mind, I’m also well aware some films aren’t even on my radar yet, but I’m still plenty happy at seeing all of the current potential. Regardless, this is a month by month look at what movies I am looking forward to seeing this year (links for trailers where available). Feel free to name the films you are all looking forward to in the comments.
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2021 – A Month By Month Look’
December 31st, 2020 by Aaron Neuwirth
Even in a year where the theater-going experience was compromised by an ongoing pandemic, I found no shortage of quality releases for my list of the Top Ten Films of 2020. Between streaming services and films available on VOD for less than the price of a movie ticket, studios may have been challenged when it came to the box office but could still lean on the many smaller-scale options available for release. If anything, given the ease of watching even more new films this year (250+ by my count), I can only hope putting a spotlight on less commercial releases can open some eyes to the many ambitious filmmakers out there who absolutely want to contribute something fresh to the world of cinema. So, here is my full list of favorites for the year 2020, with plenty of runner-ups and honorable mentions, followed by the top ten. Enjoy! (Reviews are linked when available AND, as per usual, I’ve also linked some fun Easter Eggs in every picture you see.) Watch Small Axe!
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Expansive Top Ten Films of 2020’
December 17th, 2020 by Aaron Neuwirth
“But if I just focus on a top ten, and then add some honorable mentions, that will save me some time.” Famous last words… This year’s top ten Blu-ray list didn’t get any more streamlined, but there’s a lot out there to enjoy, so get ready to go on a tour of physical media from my point of view. The good news is, I have joined my fellow Why So Blu writers in the world of 4K (in addition to a region-free player), allowing me the optimal viewing experience to go along with these terrific releases. As usual (see: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), this list has some rules. I have to have gone through the disc to assess the audio and video quality, along with the special features. It’s also important for me to separate films that may appear on my upcoming “Top 10 Films of the Year” list, though given the unexpected twist regarding this year’s theatrical films, that’s not so much an issue. Regardless, this ideally keeps the list interesting and comes with plenty of bonus sections. So, here we go!
Continue reading ‘Super-Sized Top Ten: Aaron’s Awe-Inspiring Blu-ray Picks For 2020’
January 10th, 2020 by Aaron Neuwirth
I’ve assembled my list of Most Anticipated Films for 2020. It’s always fun to take a look at what’s going to be hitting theaters in the coming year. Sure, there are a lot of films that aren’t even on my radar yet, but I’m still plenty happy at seeing all of the current potential. Plus, with Disney having gone for a monster 2019, it feels like there’s just more room for some fresher ideas beyond massive live-action remakes and super sequels. Sure, there are some films of that nature to anticipate, but nothing is seemingly hogging up the atmosphere. Regardless, this is a month by month look at what movies I am looking forward to seeing this year (links for trailers where available). Feel free to name the films you look forward to in the comments. Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2020 – A Month By Month Look’
January 2nd, 2020 by Aaron Neuwirth
Here it is, my Top Ten Films of 2019! After plenty of viewing and consideration, I have put together my list of year-end favorites. This was another incredible year for film, and having watched around 200 2019 releases theatrically, as well as on various streaming services (though Netflix had another banner year), there was a lot to narrow down from. Some films were instant favorites, others stuck with me and only managed to grow on me over time. All of that in mind, the following is the list of films that resonated with me most, complete with runner-ups, honorable mentions, and more. (Reviews are linked when available. As per usual, I’ve also linked some fun Easter Eggs in all of the pictures. Enjoy!)
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Outstanding Top Ten Films of 2019’
December 20th, 2019 by Aaron Neuwirth
“Next year I’ll narrow it down a little more.” Yeah, that’s what happened… Okay, so I thought I was going to make a simpler top ten Blu-ray list this year, but there’s a lot out there to enjoy, and I, apparently, just find it easier to go overboard. As it stands, Why So Blu’s Brian, Brandon, and Adam have their 4K setups, and Gerard has his region-free player for some imported choices to check out as well. As usual (see: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), this list has some rules. I have to have watched the movie for the sake of assessing the video and audio quality. Checking out the special features is essential as well. One last thing, I like to keep films that may appear on my upcoming “Top 10 Films of the Year” list separate from this one. All of this helps keeps this list interesting, and it all comes after plenty of bonus sections. So, here we go!
Continue reading ‘Super-Sized Top Ten: Aaron’s Spectacular Blu-ray Picks For 2019’
May 24th, 2019 by Aaron Neuwirth
Legendary Pictures’ MonsterVerse expands this Summer with Godzilla: King of the Monsters. As a huge Godzilla fan, I’ve been happy to put together some fun posts about the classic Kaiju franchise. Enjoy some fun facts here, but this post for Why So Blu continues what I started with my Heisei era ranking. Now, I have a look back at Godzilla’s Millennium period, which ran from the late 90s to the mid-2000s. Get ready for more rankings, trivia, and killer poster art.
– Continue reading ‘Godzilla Ranking: The Millennium Era (1999-2004)’
May 23rd, 2019 by Aaron Neuwirth
This Summer, everyone will have a chance to see Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the latest entry in Legendary Pictures’ MonsterVerse. As a massive Godzilla fan, I’ve been doing my part to spread the good word on the classic Kaiju. Enjoy some fun facts here and eventually beginner’s guide on another site, but for Why So Blu, I wanted to put together a ranking of the films from a couple of key periods in the long-running franchise’s timespan. So, with this first of two posts (for now), enjoy this look back at the films from Godzilla’s Heisei period, which ran from the 80s to the mid-90s.
– Continue reading ‘Godzilla Ranking: The Heisei Era (1984 – 1995)’
January 4th, 2019 by Aaron Neuwirth
With many studio films with dates set in place and general knowledge that certain filmmakers have movies set to arrive sometime this year, there’s still a lot of challenge in selecting which movies I am most looking forward to. Of course, I may as well call this post “Godzilla and Some Other 2019 Flicks I Want to See,” but that would be underselling the excitement I have for a lot that is arriving in theaters (and presumably streaming) in 2019, big and small. There’s also the case to be made for all the films many of us do not even know about yet, given the nature of film festival debuts and other surprises. Regardless, this is a month by month look at what I am looking forward to seeing (links for trailers where available). Feel free to name the films you look forward to in the comments.
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2019 – A Month By Month Look’
January 2nd, 2019 by Aaron Neuwirth
It’s the end of another year, and for whatever difficulties there have been, I certainly had a lot of movies to consider for my year-end list of favorites. I had a lot of fun putting together this final top ten list, knowing full well the strong set of contenders. Given that I’ve watched around 200 2018 releases theatrically and via Netflix and Amazon Prime, there was a lot to narrow down from, but here we are. Some films were instant favorites for me, some grew in my opinion over time, and a few lost a bit of their luster as the year went on. All of that in mind, here is the set of films that resonated with me the most in my official list for the Top Ten Films of 2018, complete with runner-ups, honorable mentions, and more. (Reviews are linked when available and, as per usual, I’ve also linked lots of Easter Eggs in all of the pictures, so enjoy that as well.)
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Superb Top Ten Films of 2018’
December 20th, 2018 by Aaron Neuwirth
Who’s ready for a killer Blu-ray list? Like previous years (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), I’ve gone in-depth on what I enjoyed with this year in Blu-ray release. I still may not have a 4K setup like Why So Blu’s Brian and Brandon, or a region-free player like Gerard, but there was plenty to enjoy for a guy working with the regular old HD format. As usual, this list has a few rules that come with it. Regard for the film in question is obviously important. I have to have watched the movie for the sake of assessing the quality of the video and audio transfers. And I had to dive into the special features available. The last thing, I always try to keep films that may appear on my “Top 10 Films of the Year” list separate from the top ten Blu-rays. I do this to keep the post interesting, and I also have some extra sections to go over other highlights from the year. So, here we go:
Continue reading ‘Super-Sized Top Ten: Aaron’s Top-Quality Blu-ray Picks For 2018’
January 4th, 2018 by Aaron Neuwirth
This is always a fun but challenging list to put together. While there is a lot to work with when it comes to the major studio tentpoles and various prestige films, I can’t account for every movie that is coming to theaters in 2018. However, I can provide a pretty good rundown on what I am looking forward to and the potential of the year by way of this preview. I see over a hundred movies a year theatrically, and a lot of those films are ones I will be anticipating to some degree. Other smaller films randomly arrive on the calendar months after the start of the year, let alone schedule changes, so I will no doubt miss out on some movies to note. There are also many films in production and being completed in time for Cannes and other film festivals to keep in mind, but I’ve provided a month by month look at what I’m looking forward to seeing (links for trailers where available). I am also curious to hear what others have to say as well, so feel free to add thoughts in the comments.
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Most Anticipated Films of 2018 – A Month By Month Look’
December 29th, 2017 by Aaron Neuwirth
We have reached another end of a year in film, and I’m happy to look back on what I saw. I had quite a bit of fun putting together this final list of movies, as there were strong contenders for the top ten, but plenty I still wanted to acknowledge as well. Having watched over 180 films theatrically and via Netflix and Amazon Prime this year, it can be a bit much to narrow it all down, but here we are. Some films grew on me over time, and others moved down the list a bit. Still, the following list goes over the broad grouping of movies that resonated with me in some way, which I’m happy to share. So here we go with my picks for the Top Ten Films of 2017 and the ranked runner-ups. (Reviews are linked when available and, as per usual, I’ve also linked lots of Easter Eggs in all of the pictures, so enjoy that as well.)
Continue reading ‘Aaron’s Exceptional Top Ten Films of 2017’